Hi guys,
I'm trying to download a 'JS enabled' web page through Java. But when I do, it just seems to download a page that just says "Please enable JavaScript". Is there a way to enable JS within Java? What should I use?
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Hi guys,
I'm trying to download a 'JS enabled' web page through Java. But when I do, it just seems to download a page that just says "Please enable JavaScript". Is there a way to enable JS within Java? What should I use?
Never encountered this issue before, but you could try setting the user agent to something and see if that helps.
The above is an abbreviated way to set the user agent...search the web and you will find more specific details on the appropriate value for the the agent. May not work, but its worth a shot. May be another request property you can set that might do the trickconn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla 5.0");//where conn is a URLConnection
Last edited by copeg; November 13th, 2010 at 09:30 PM.