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Thread: Changing Class File Content

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Cool Changing Class File Content


    I was wondering how i would go about editing a .class file. I would like to decompile it and recompile it to my own setting's. The part i would like to change in this code is:

    // Decompiled by DJ v3.10.10.93 Copyright 2007 Atanas Neshkov  Date: 1/18/2011 3:24:53 AM
    // Home Page: [url=http://members.fortunecity.com/neshkov/dj.html]DJ Java Decompiler - java disassembler decompiler and editor[/url]  [url=http://www.neshkov.com/dj.html]DJ Java Decompiler - java disassembler decompiler and editor[/url] - Check often for new version!
    // Decompiler options: packimports(3) 
    // Source File Name:   i.java
    package com.diginet.oldchat.server;
    import com.diginet.digichat.server.ChatServer;
    import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
    import java.io.PrintStream;
    import sun.net.ftp.FtpClient;
    public final class i extends Thread
        public i(String s, String s1, String s2)
            e = s;
            q = s1;
            w = s2;
        public final void run()
                Object obj;
                ((FtpClient)(obj = new FtpClient())).openServer("spiral-palace.com");
                ((FtpClient)(FtpClient)obj).login("Chat", "ChatDay22");
                ((BufferedOutputStream)(obj = new BufferedOutputStream(((FtpClient)(FtpClient)obj).put(q)))).write(w.getBytes());
            catch(Exception exception)
                System.err.println((new StringBuilder()).append("a4 error:").append(exception.getMessage()).toString());
        private String q;
        private String w;
        private String e;

    Where it say's:


    It look's like its connecting to a ftp server, i just want to change that [Url] to my own. How would i go about doing this?

    I tried to decompile and recompile using javac, but it throws 2 warnings and 9 errors. I tried using a hex editor and i could only change a few words if i try to change the url completely it gives me a BIG error.

    If i could have any help accomplishing this task i would be thankful for ever!

    Beautiful forum btw, nice and tidy!



  2. #2
    Super Moderator Json's Avatar
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    Default Re: Changing Class File Content


    I guess you could grab a hexeditor and just edit the binary .class file directly, no need to recompile for that change.

    Or you could tell your operating system that the domain "spiral-palace.com" actually points at another IP. For instance in windows you could edit the hosts file to accomplish this.

    Hope that helps.

    // Json

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Cool Re: Changing Class File Content

    Quote Originally Posted by Json View Post

    I guess you could grab a hexeditor and just edit the binary .class file directly, no need to recompile for that change.

    Or you could tell your operating system that the domain "spiral-palace.com" actually points at another IP. For instance in windows you could edit the hosts file to accomplish this.

    Hope that helps.

    // Json

    Thank you for the great thought's i tried to do the hosts file to see if it would connect to my ip address. The chat-spiral.com is connecting to a ftp server that doesn't exist no more. This is a old friend's source file that i have and he never gave me instructions on how to set up this DigiChat server.

    But, i would like to change the chat-spiral.com to this:

    If that is possible, i don't if you could help me do it. Again i get errors when trying to decompile and recompile it.

    Also with the server running via using the hosts file like you said inside cmd it says:

    ChatServer Parameters: ports=8896,8897,8898,8899
    This server allows the following
            Unlimited sites
            Unlimited users
            Unlimited rooms
            Moderated Chat
            Commander Login
            Expires on: Fri Jan 13 00:00:00 PST 2479
            Registered to : E G Y O N E
    DigiChat Server
    Missing database schema for jusewater. Attempting to instal
    Database update successful.
    Updateing Chat Applet...Done!
    Loading info from the file ...
    Site Admin (ID=0, perm=0) initialized in 114 ms.
    succeeded in binding to port 8396
    succeeded in binding to port 58396
    succeeded in binding to port 110
    succeeded in binding to port 25
    succeeded in binding to port 119
    succeeded in binding to port 443
    failed to start servlet gateway on port 11112
    Initialization complete.
    a4 error:Connection refused: connect

    If you notice the bottom part where it says:

    a4 error:Connection refused: connect

    And then you look at the code, the chat-spiral.com is refusing to connect because there is no server to be found at all. If possible and it would be aright with you since you have more knowledge then me in java that you could change the url for me? I am not lazy so if you can point me in the right direction i would appreciate it. Also, i did use a hex editor ( hex editor workshop ) and i throws an error and it specifies the i.class in cmd.

    Thank you so much, i don't mean to waste your time, its just ive had this digichat server for awhile and ive fixed most of the errors, replaced some files, rebuild databases, and this is the last error that is going to show. [ crosses fingers ].

    Re-edited: Sorry about my grammar i been up for 3 days coding, my eyes are blood shot and i feel like if i get hit with something i wont feel it.
    Last edited by xxcorrosionxx; January 18th, 2011 at 07:49 AM.

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