I've implemented a simple TCP server using the ServerSocket class (code below) to communicate with a client. They should just exchange strings. The client comes off-the-shelf with a sensor I need to use and, although I don't have access to its source code, I know all the commands I can R/W from it. The server starts listening and as soon as the client connects to it, the client is supposed to send a string with 3 initialization commands of the type "command 1\r\n command 2\r\n command 3\r\n". \r\n denotes the end of a command.
The problem is, my server can't seem to read this initial string and then the client has a timeout because the server doesn't reply appropriately. I know the initial string packet is being sent because I can see it with a network sniffer (Wireshark). Does anyone have an idea why my server hasn't been able to read it?
function main import java.net.ServerSocket import java.io.* port = 16544; server = []; s = []; command = []; try % Creates the server socket if port is available fprintf(1, ['Waiting for the client to connect...\n']); server = ServerSocket(port); % Listens on the specified port server.setSoTimeout(0); % Wait forever s = server.accept; % Start listening fprintf(1, 'Server connected\n'); % Socket options s.setKeepAlive(true) % Heartbeat s.setTcpNoDelay(true) % Nable's algorithm off % R/W streams in = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream)); out = DataOutputStream(s.getOutputStream); while true % read data command = in.readLine; if ~isempty(command) command end command = char(command); % write data CRLF = [char(13),char(10)]; switch command case 'command 1' out.writeBytes(['reply 1',CRLF]); out.flush; case 'command 2' out.writeBytes(['reply 2',CRLF]); out.flush; end end % clean up server.close s.close return catch exception if ~isempty(server) server.close end if ~isempty(s) s.close end throw(exception) end end