Hi i am on developing FTP Server and client,
when client connected with server,client will get Server's files and folder in Treeview so guys please tell me how to do that?
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Hi i am on developing FTP Server and client,
when client connected with server,client will get Server's files and folder in Treeview so guys please tell me how to do that?
use a treenode.
What is your doubt about socket?
To develop a FTP client/server pair first read the FTP RFC and maybe some other related RFCs.
Make them work in command line then worry about the GUI.
Start with the client (simpler) and test it against a few servers (lots of them free). The same approach is good for the server. Start with free already developed clients and test your server as you write it. When both work you can test your server with your client.
Daniel @ [www.littletutorials.com]
Language is froth on the surface of thought