* This class is a convinence wrapper for the common task of
* asking for user input. Features include:
* - recusive input validation for all primitive types
* - overloaded methods for lazy usage or informative prompting
* - consistant, meaningful prompting behaviour
* Some usages:
* - int i1 = Console.readInteger("Enter a number: ");
* - int i2 = Console.readInteger("Enter a number: ", "Try again.");
* - int i3 = Console.readInteger("Enter a number between 1 and 10", "Not in range.", 1, 10);
* - float f = Console.readFloat("Enter a decimal number: ");
* - if (Console.readYesNo("Really Quit [y/n]")) { System.exit(0); }
* @author Christopher Lowe
* @version 5/4/2011
public class Console
private static final String CONSOLE = "> ";
private static final String DEFAULT_PROMPT = "Enter input: ";
private static final String DEFAULT_RETRY = "Invalid Input. Try again.";
* Prompts the user for a YES/NO input. It will default to false on incorrect input.
* @param prompt The message asking for user input
* @return true if the user inputs "Y", "y", "yes", "YES" or "YeS"
public static final boolean readYesNo(String prompt) {
String input = readLine(prompt).toLowerCase().trim();
if (input.equals("yes") || input.equals("y")) {
return true;
//Behavioural: only a discrete 'yes' will return true.
//It does not recurse on invalid input because incorrect input
//is logically identical to the non-destructive 'no'
return false;
* Prompts the user for YES/NO input. It will default to false on incorrect input.
* @return true if the user inputs "Y", "y", "yes", "YES" or "YeS"
public static final boolean readYesNo() {
return readYesNo(DEFAULT_PROMPT);
* Prompts the user for YES/NO input. It will default to false on incorrect input.
* @param prompt The message asking for user input
* @return true if the user inputs "Y", "y", "yes", "YES" or "YeS"
public static final boolean readBoolean(String prompt) {
return readYesNo(prompt);
* Prompts the user for YES/NO input. It will default to false on incorrect input.
* @return true if the user inputs "Y", "y", "yes", "YES" or "YeS"
public static final boolean readBoolean() {
return readYesNo(DEFAULT_PROMPT);
* Prompts the user for an Integer input in a given range.
* @param prompt The message asking for user input.
* @param error The error message to inform the user that the input was invalid.
* @param min The minimum valid input
* @param max The maximum valid input
* @return An integer in the range min..max
public static final int readInteger(String prompt, String error, int min, int max) {
if (min >= max) {
return 0; //Should not happen, but can if the client programmer is not paying attention
try {
int i = Integer.valueOf((readLine(prompt)));
if ((i < min) || (i > max)) {
return readInteger(prompt, error, min, max);
return i;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return readInteger(prompt, error, min, max);
* Prompts the user for an Integer input in a given range.
* @param prompt The message asking for user input.
* @param min The minimum valid input.
* @param max The maximum valid input.
* @return An integer in the range min..max
public static final int readInteger(String prompt, int min, int max) {
return readInteger(prompt, DEFAULT_RETRY, min, max);
* Prompts the user for an Integer input in a given range.
* @param min The minimum valid input.
* @param max The maximum valid input.
* @return An integer in the range min..max
public static final int readInteger(int min, int max) {
return readInteger(DEFAULT_PROMPT, DEFAULT_RETRY, min, max);
* Prompts the user for an Integer input.
* @param prompt The message asking for user input.
* @param error The error message to inform the user that the input was invalid.
* @return An integer
public static final int readInteger(String prompt, String error) {
try {
return Integer.valueOf((readLine(prompt)));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.out.println("\n" + error);
return readInteger(prompt, error);
* Prompts the user for an Integer input.
* @param prompt The message asking for user input.
* @return An integer
public static final int readInteger(String prompt) {
return readInteger(prompt, DEFAULT_RETRY);
* Prompts the user for an Integer input.
* @return An integer
public static final int readInteger() {
* Prompts the user for a Double input.
* @param prompt The message asking for user input.
* @param error The message to inform the user about invalid input.
* @return A double
public static final double readDouble(String prompt, String error) {
try {
return Double.valueOf((readLine(prompt)));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.out.println("\n" + error);
return readDouble(prompt, error);
* Prompts the user for a Double input.
* @param prompt The message asking for user input.
* @return A double
public static final double readDouble(String prompt) {
return readDouble(prompt, DEFAULT_RETRY);
* Prompts the user for a Double input.
* @return A double
public static final double readDouble() {
* Prompts the user for a Float input.
* @param prompt The message asking for input.
* @param error The message informing the user that the input was invalid.
* @return A float
public static final float readFloat(String prompt, String error) {
try {
return Float.valueOf((readLine(prompt)));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.out.println("\n" + error);
return readFloat(prompt, error);
* Prompts the user for a Float input.
* @param prompt The message asking for input.
* @return A float
public static final float readFloat(String prompt) {
return readFloat(prompt, DEFAULT_RETRY);
* Prompts the user for a Float input.
* @return A float
public static final float readFloat() {
* Prompts the user for a String input at least minLength in size.
* @param prompt The message asking for user input.
* @param error The message informing the user about invalid input
* @param minLength The minimum length of the string that is valid
* @return A string minLength or greater in length
public static final String readString(String prompt, String error, int minLength) {
String input = readLine(prompt);
if (input.length() < minLength) {
System.out.println("\n" + error);
return readString(prompt, error, minLength);
return input;
* Prompts the user for a String input. It will prompt again if the user does not enter anything
* @param prompt The message asking for user input.
* @param error The message informing the user of invalid input
* @return A String
public static final String readString(String prompt, String error) {
String input = readLine(prompt);
if ((input.length() == 0) || (input == null) || (input.equals("\n"))) {
System.out.println("\n" + error);
return input;
* Prompts the user for a String input.
* @param prompt The message asking for user input.
* @return A String
public static final String readString(String prompt) {
return readString(prompt, DEFAULT_RETRY);
* Prompts the user for a String input.
* @return A String
public static final String readString() {
* Working method, used by every single method in this class.
* It uses the low level to build a StringBuffer containing
* the users input and traps the user in an loop until ENTER is pressed.
* In windows, the ENTER button returns /r/n which is dealt with in the loop.
private static final String readLine(String prompt) {
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
while(true) {
try {
char c = (char);
if (c == '\n') {
return b.toString().trim(); //Enter pressed
} else if (c == '\r') { } //Windows carriage return \r is followed by \n so we ignore it and pick it up on the next loop
} catch (IOException e) { } //Unsure what would cause this and what to do about it