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Thread: monitoring the progress of a servlet

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Question monitoring the progress of a servlet

    i need to monitor the progress of servlet's treatment.
    i have a while loop executed in the servlet and i need to know the progress of its counter via the JSP page, this counter will be a progress bar counter so the user can know the servlet's progress.
    so what i want to know how to get each counter's valus via JSP
    Please help it's urgent

  2. #2
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    Default Re: monitoring the progress of a servlet

    Welcome to the forum! Please read this topic to learn how to post code in code or highlight tags and other useful info for new members.

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  3. #3
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: monitoring the progress of a servlet

    First, if I understand your issue, Servlets are not meant to work like this. They are not meant to perform long running tasks, which should be done in a managed worker type of thread (presuming your container has that capability). Second, if you choose to actually do this, to monitor progress you can persist the data somehow (eg database) and have whatever needs to poll the data do so via this intermediary persistence mechanism.

    Please help it's urgent
    Please avoid statements like this. Everyone's question posted here is urgent for them - stating this only insinuates that your problem is more important than everyone else's. As a result, it can actually hurt your chances of getting help as it is perceived as being rude.

  4. #4

    Default Re: monitoring the progress of a servlet

    Application Performance Monitoring is capable of monitoring Java web applications by instrumenting the application's Filters and Servlets, through Servlet Monitoring. When a request is made to a web application / Servlet, a Server Request will be created with type SERVLET. The name of this Server Request will be the request URL path, without the schema, port, host, and query parameters.

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