I am begginer with java ee(servlets,jsp etc.).
I am writting simple Web Application with login service.
I have override method
My idea is check valid of username and if is valid then send this with requestDispatcher forward:doPost(HttpRequest request,HttpResposne response)
I was trying to use HttpSession setParametr and getParametr but after using forward method getParametr return null string. How can i pass username string for next doPost()?if(signInButton!=null){ String communicat=null; username=loginAuthorization(request); if(username.equals("bad")==false) { Album album=new Album(); url=base+studioAlbumsPollVote; } else{ communicat="error login or password"; } request.setAttribute( "communicat", communicat); } ... RequestDispatcher requestDispatcher=request.getRequestDispatcher(url); requestDispatcher.forward(request, response);