Hi All,
I am trying to develop an online quiz through Servlets and Jsp. I am using MYSQl as the backend database. The requirement is to display few random questions to user. I have to store the results of the quiz in a separate table. The table should have the details such as username, question presented to each user ,whether it was correct or incorrect
Currently I am able to display all the questions on a single web page .
But I am unable to fetch the answers selected by the user while attempting the quiz. I need to store each option selected by user and transfer it to a JSP page.
Below is the code :-
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String url = "jdbc:mysql://"; String username1="root"; String password1="root"; PrintWriter out= response.getWriter(); PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet results = null; int limit=3; try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection con= DriverManager.getConnection(url,username1,password1); String sql="SELECT Questions.Question, Questions.option1, Questions.option2,Questions.option3, Questions.option4,Questions.correctanswer FROM Questions order by RAND() limit ?"; st = (PreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(sql); st.setInt(1,limit); results = st.executeQuery(); int i=1; while (results.next()) { String r1, r2, r3, r4, r5,r6; r1 = results.getString(1); r2 = results.getString(2); r3 = results.getString(3); r4 = results.getString(4); r5 = results.getString(5); r6 = results.getString(6); out.println("<BODY BGCOLOR='powderblue'></BODY>" + "<FORM method=\"post\" action= \"Results.jsp\" >" + "<TABLE BORDER = 2 CELLPADDING = 4 CELLSPACING = 2>" + "<TR><TD COLSPAN = 6 ALIGN = CENTER><H2><B>Quick Quiz</B></H2></TD></TR>"); out.println("<TR><TD>" + r1 + "</TD></TR>"); out.println("<TR><TD><input type = \"radio\" name = \"answer\" id=\"input1\" value = \"1\" required> " + r2 + "</TD></TR><BR>"); out.println("<TR><TD><input type = \"radio\" name = \"answer\" id=\"input2\" value = \"2\">" + r3 + "</TD></TR><BR>"); out.println("<TR><TD><input type = \"radio\" name = \"answer\" id=\"input3\" value = \"3\">" + r4 + "</TD></TR><BR>"); out.println("<TR><TD><input type = \"radio\" name = \"answer\" id=\"input4\" value = \"4\">" + r5 + "</TD></TR><BR>"); out.println("</TABLE>"); session.setAttribute("question"+i,r1); session.setAttribute("correctanswer"+i, r6); if (i <3) { out.println("</FORM></BODY></HTML>"); } else { out.println("<BR><BR><INPUT type = \"submit\" value = \"Press to Submit\"></form></body></html>" ); } i++; } // session.setAttribute("selectedanswer1",(String)(request.getParameter("answer")) ); ---not working as expected results.close(); st.close(); con.close(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
Request you to help me in fetching the result of the quiz.
I was also trying to display each questions in a separate web page and giving an option of "Next" button to move to the next question but I was unable to do that. So I tried other way and gave all the questions on single page .But I am unable to fetch the option selected by user while attempting the quiz..
The required option which I have used is also not working properly.
Please help me in fetching the answer selected by user.