i have no experience working backend side,but now my company asked me to work on backend
want to develope a proxy servlet which generates the response header and body in xml and implement
an interface known as session lookup interface where it calls the proxyservlet on to url
get a sessionid from url
generate responses for sessioid in xml
implement a sessionlookup interface which calls the servlet on same url where we got sessionid
validation part is take care by rmi
get sessionid from this url and post back to same url with
HTTP Method: GET
Form/Query Parameters
Name Data Type Req’d Length Description
sessionid String Yes The user’s emeta session id
Type Name Description
param Session-id-required The session id parameter is required.
Status: HTTP-200 (Okay)
Reason: Success
Service-Ident: name-version
Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Status: HTTP-412 (Precondition Failed)
Reason: One or more preconditions failed.
Service-Ident: name-version
Response Body: (see Common Status Response – type and name attributes given in Precondition section.)
Status: HTTP-500 (Internal Server Error)
Reason: An unexpected error occurred while processing the request
Content-Type: text/plain
Service-Ident: name-version
Response Body:
[Error description]
[Optional troubleshooting info]
Error Codes:
Here are sample errors that should be returned by the service
1. Session id Invalid
<status type="param">
<description>Precondition Failure</description>
<entry name=”invalid-session-id">
<value>The session id parameter is invalid.</value>
2. Session id Missing
<status type="param">
<description>Precondition Failure</description>
<entry name=”session-id-required">
<value>The session id parameter is required.</value>
3. Service Unavailable
<status type="service">
<description>Service Unavailable</description>
<entry name=”service-unavailable">
<value>The back end eMeta services are unavailable.</value>