Hey guys
I just started learning java, I am using the book Java software solutions and have a question.
Dont know if any one has this book but might help, in chapter 3 creating objects it talks about initialization of strings page 115. I guess i dont get this because if you are useing the print method you dont use the new operator IE System.out.println (" Hi");
but I think it is saying if I wanted to do String
bruce = ("Hi bruce");
System.out.println (bruce);
I would have to initialize bruse with
String bruse = new String ("Hi Bruse")
I guess what im asking is to explain the new operator better, because with something like an INT you dont have to use new IE
int bank = 43
int bank = new int (43)
I hope all this makes sense but let me know if can figure out what the heck im talking about lol