Hi, i just got an assignment under my JAVA programming leesons; and im kinda stuck, i dont know how to start ewen :S:S
So this is the case:
We got a html file which has a table; and in that table there is a Pyramid out of certain colours.. and I need to make a Java programe that displays the HTML code insted of the "pyramid of stars " so i got kinda lost how to do it; and now i would like some assistance/help about how to do this, becouse i dont know how to go on... :/
here is the html code my JAVA programe has to display/print out.:
__________________________________________________ ____________________
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<style type="text/css">
.skupno { width: 50px; height: 50px; }
.ozadje { background-color: white; }
.barva1 { background-color: red; }
.barva2 { background-color: lime; }
.barva3 { background-color: blue; }
<table style="background-color: black">
<td class="skupno ozadje">
<td class="skupno ozadje">
<td class="skupno barva1">
<td class="skupno ozadje">
<td class="skupno ozadje">
<td class="skupno ozadje">
<td class="skupno barva1">
<td class="skupno barva2"></td>
<td class="skupno barva3"></td>
<td class="skupno ozadje"></td>
<td class="skupno barva1"></td>
<td class="skupno
<td class="skupno barva3"></td>
<td class="skupno barva1"></td>
<td class="skupno barva2"></td>
__________________________________________________ _______