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Thread: Read Text File Into Strings

  1. #26
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    Default Re: Read Text File Into Strings

    Hi, if i print out System.out.println("<"+s.trim()+">");
    i get an output
    then the next lines
    which is how i want it (all 3 parts are printing seperetly so have been split correctly)

    But now i need each of the 3 parts that are in s.trim() to be put into seperate strings like String name, String year, String year2;

    I tried:
                while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
                		String theNextLine = scanner.nextLine();	// set the next line to a string
                        String regex = "(\\(|\\)|\\/)";
                        String fields[] = theNextLine.split(regex);
                		for(String s: fields){
                			String name = s.trim();
                			String year = s.trim();
                			String year2 = s.trim();
                		System.out.println("TITLE IS" + name);
                		System.out.println("\nYEAR IS" + year);
                		System.out.println("YEAR2 IS" + year2);
    which outputs
    TITLE IS NameAttrib
    YEAR IS NameAttrib
    YEAR2 IS NameAttrib
    then goes onto:
    TITLE IS YearAttrib
    YEAR IS YearAttrib
    YEAR2 is YearAttrib
    TITLE IS Year2Attrib
    YEAR IS Year2Attrib
    YEAR2 is Year2Attrib
    It is assigning the same data part to each String and then next time it goes round it assigns the next data part to each string...

    I also tried another way
                while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
                		String theNextLine = scanner.nextLine();	// set the next line to a string
                        String regex = "(\\(|\\)|\\/)";
                        String fields[] = theNextLine.split(regex);
                		for(String s: fields){
                			String name = fields[0];
                			String year = fields[1];
                			String year2 = fields[2];
                		System.out.println("TITLE IS" + name);
                		System.out.println("\nYEAR IS" + year);
                		System.out.println("YEAR2 IS" + year2);
    this is a little better and assigns the correct data part to each string
    but for example if the datafile has example data:
    aname (2012) 2012
    it will print out aname, (2012) 2012 twice, so assiging the same data to the Strings twice.

    I need it to simply do like the example directly above what i am saying now, but do each data only once as it is just repeated data.

    Last edited by Khadafi; January 12th, 2012 at 03:48 PM.

  2. #27
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Read Text File Into Strings

    You do not need a loop. You never use the variable s, you explicitly access the three elements of the array.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Norm For This Useful Post:

    Khadafi (January 12th, 2012)

  4. #28
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    Default Re: Read Text File Into Strings

    Oo thanks =), thats great. Such a silly mistake on my side, I dont know why I didnt realise.

    Thank you very much.

  5. #29
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    Default Re: Read Text File Into Strings

    Hi, I have got it working where I can read in data from a file and store it into strings.
    e.g. the format Name year year2

    but the file that i need to import has data before the actual data like:

    File: something.list Date: Fri Oct 23 17:00:00 2009

    Copyright Something All rights reserved.

    Something (Some)





    aname (2005) 2005
    anothername (2006) 2006

    is there a way I can make my program skip all the stuff and start reading at aname....


  6. #30
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Read Text File Into Strings

    make my program skip all the stuff and start reading at aname
    No. You have to read and ignore/skip over everything you do not want to use.
    Just like if you had a pile of magazines and only wanted to read the one about fishing. You would have to look at each one in turn until you got to the one you wanted.

  7. #31
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    Default Re: Read Text File Into Strings

    Thanks, that makes sense.

    But what is the way to skip over some parts, like maybe the first 10 lines etc.


  8. #32
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Read Text File Into Strings

    How do you skip the first 10 magazines in a pile of magazines? Pick each one up and discard it.
    For lines in a file, read 10 lines and ignore them. You could use a loop

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