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Thread: Can we have something like myintarray[a] = 0 where "a" is a string value??

  1. #1
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    Default Can we have something like myintarray[a] = 0 where "a" is a string value??

    Say if we have String s = "abcdefg"

    is it possible to do something like this

    myArray[a] = 0
    myArray[b] = 1
    myArray[c] = 2
    myArray[d] = 3
    myArray[e] = 4

    where a,b,c,d,e ... are string values

    Many Thanks

  2. #2
    Forum Squatter newbie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can we have something like myintarray[a] = 0 where "a" is a string value??

    No it isn't possible, as the values are integer pointers to data.
    You could however do myIntArray[Integer.valueOf("23")] = 2; if you so desired.
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  3. #3
    Crazy Cat Lady KevinWorkman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can we have something like myintarray[a] = 0 where "a" is a string value??

    Quote Originally Posted by NickNickk View Post
    Say if we have String s = "abcdefg"

    is it possible to do something like this

    myArray[a] = 0
    myArray[b] = 1
    myArray[c] = 2
    myArray[d] = 3
    myArray[e] = 4

    where a,b,c,d,e ... are string values

    Many Thanks
    What does the String s have to do with the rest of your question? Do you want the array indices to equal the index of the character? If so, String has methods to do just that. The API is your friend.
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  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can we have something like myintarray[a] = 0 where "a" is a string value??

    Sounds like you want to use a Map. The String would be the key to get a value from the Map.
    value = theMap.get("a String");

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