Hey, I'm new to these forums and to Java as well. I'm planning on sticking with Java code for a while until I can code fluently in it.
I have a website at Wacos.ca. I wanted a login system that I could use for my administrators to manage, as well as new users. I don't really have anything for users to interact at the moment with my site, but I know what I want. I can do the majority of the code, I just need some help with the following things:
- Created, or editing the JButton object so that the images (hover, click, default) comply to the image files I have.
- have a file I/O for users, for different purposes. (I've already tried this, but the JLabel object will not work in some of the code I've made)
- Have String and Integer values sent through to Java server software, ran externally from the system that the client applet is running from.
I simply need to do those three things. I already know a lot of Java syntax, I can easily code up a nice GUI, I'm just missing those things. Any help is appreciated!
Sorry If I seem a little demanding, I've been trying to get I/O to work for a while, so this stuff is starting to piss me off.