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Thread: Can I do this with methods in Java?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Can I do this with methods in Java?

    I need to run a method 4 times and store the data gained somewhere so I can display it later.
    is this statement correct? if not is there any way to do this?
    public void myMethod()
    //stuff in the method

    callOne = myMethod();
    callTwo = myMethod();
    callThree = myMethod();
    callFour = myMethod();

  2. #2
    Member snowguy13's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can I do this with methods in Java?

    If you want a method to return a value, you have to declare it as so.

    public void myMethod()

    This method can not return a value, because you have defined its return type as void. For example, if you want a method to return an int, you must do this:

    public int myMethod()

    You can also have methods return objects:

    public String myMethod()

    Then, all you have to do is a) in the method body, make sure a variable or value of the correct type is returned and b) make sure that the variable to which you are assigning the method's value is correct.

    For example, if you have this method:
    public double myMethod()
       return Math.random()*100; //return type is double, this returns a double

    You could assign the method's value to a variable, but only if that variable is a double...

    double myDouble = myMethod();
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  3. #3
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can I do this with methods in Java?

    Instead of having 4 different variables, you could use an array with 4 slots.

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