i beg your pardon, if i post this in this section of forums, this is the only section i think is relevant to my concern right now
i was asked by my professor, to add these things
the thing is, i really dont have any idea how to do that, inspite of the knowledge i have regarding with Java Coding Convention, at first i was thinking "copy all the source codes of the system" and paste it in the paper? O_O,a. Coding Standards
In general, the proponents used the following coding standards:
• The use of indention in codes to distinguish between lines and codes and to make it more readable
• The use of comments to know the function of each code
• Use of descriptive variables and file names.
• The use of global variables
• The use of modules and forms
its similar to this
i absolutely know what is a "CAR", but i dont know what to do with a car?, theres so many things i can do with a "CAR", i can "drive" it, "smash" it, "destroy" it, "sell" it or even "hug" it,
i do have a knowledge with the java coding convention, but what should i put with "adding a coding standards" in my documenation?,
i got a piece of idea on this site Coding Standards - Symfony
what i understand is, im going to write a fragment of code, state all the rules and "THE WAY" i wrote the codes based on Java Coding Convention. im confused, please help, i dont want to blame my lack of english, i need help.. and please take care of english idioms i always got a hard time debugging thoughts that i dont understand, my professor told me that this is important on documenation. what should i do with the thing he is requesting to me? or what should i put in my codes?
this is what i've got in mind so far, from the sample i posted above
package timekeepsystem; /** * This file is part of timeKeepSystem package. * * @author Zabdiel */ public class MyClass { private int myIntegerVariable; private static String creator; /** * Static block. * * static variables initialization on class loading */ static { creator = "Creator"; } /** * Constructs a new instance of this class, * initialized all instance variables. */ public void MyClass() { myIntegerVariable = 1; } /** * * @param string who Some argument description */ public void myMethod(String who) { if (who.equals("Creator")) { System.out.println(creator); } else { System.out.println("Your not the creator"); } } public int getSomeNumber() { return 1; } }
and i will state how do i "WRITE" codes based on a coding convention(Java)? is that what is needed in this part of documenation?