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Thread: Processing Live Video Feed

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Processing Live Video Feed


    I am researching ideas for a long term project and am currently
    investigating Java's capability for processing live video feed.

    I wish to examine digital video feed in real time and do such operations

    i) Define all pixels as either foreground or background (depending on
    whether they have the same colour as the predefined background).

    ii) Group these separate pixels into the objects they represent

    iii) Track these objects

    iv) When these objects make predefined patters, raise a flag (or alarm)

    This could be extended to incorporate several live video feeds from
    different angles to observe the same collection of objects.

    I am confident that I will be able to create algorithms (or implement
    those already created) required for the steps but need reassuring that the
    Java language is capable of handling such visual processing.

    If Java is capable...
    Where do I begin?
    Are there any existing java packages that can handle the input and
    help with the processing of the image?
    I really need help to begin 'examining' the digital feed, how can
    this be done?

    If Java isn't capable...
    What languagestechnology can perform such processing? (I am an
    individual developer with limited resources)

    Thank-you for your thoughts and insight regarding this matter,


  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: Processing Live Video Feed

    As a sidenote, I have seen Java screen-recording software which allows the user to place a resizable box on the screen (say, around a video feed) to capture and record the pixel changes going on within it, so this gives me hope that it should be possible to manipulate that data in real-time rather than simply record and save it?

    If anyone has clue as to how this screen-recording software actually obtains its data it would be very helpful.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Processing Live Video Feed

    Hi Twez_Nugs,

    Did you get a private response to this, or more importantly did you find any anwsers to your questions elsewhere?

    I am evaulating laguages and libraries for Video processing, inclufing object recognition and motion detection. I am familar to Java so would be keen to know if Java and compatible APIs are suitable for this work.


  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: Processing Live Video Feed

    FYI - I decided on OpenCV based on the community, power of the library and doc/tutorials available. Will be using C++ also, not keen on the Java bindings/libraries, need to keep as efficient as possible.

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