Does Java have a function like php include. I want to include a html file into a page in real time. I would like to use Java as I need to be able to spawned the function by an event handler. I am a beginner in Java.
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Does Java have a function like php include. I want to include a html file into a page in real time. I would like to use Java as I need to be able to spawned the function by an event handler. I am a beginner in Java.
What do you mean by "include a html file into a page in real time."?
The JEditorPane will read a html simple page and display it in box in a java program's GUI
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I have a number of standard web pages each identical except they each include different data in a table cell. So I found the php "include" which means I can maintain all the pages at once. Its a simple copy and paste and change one html file name. Now I would like to have only one page and instead of the menu (links) opening files they trigger a function that includes the required html file into the cell. I am looking more for Java script I can put into the link or the onclick,
Is the a javascript question? If so try asking it on a javascript forum.
If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.
I thought this was a java script forum. Sorry