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Thread: live minecraft map

  1. #1
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    Default live minecraft map

    is there a way i can get a live map of my minecraft server on my website that also allows them to chat from the site to the game using java,
    aswell as, is there a way i can have on my site player stats such as how many blocks has 1 person broken or placed?

  2. #2
    Member snowguy13's Avatar
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    Default Re: live minecraft map

    That would require you to request information from the game as it runs, which means you would have to write a new class in the game source, which means you'd need the game source code... Other than that, I know of no simpler way.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: live minecraft map

    There is a way of getting the minecraft game source code (that's how mods are made) which you could edit so it sends data to your website,
    you can use this program to decompile the game code and output source files: Minecraft Coder Pack - Minecraft Wiki
    It also decompiles the server, which will be very useful for what your trying to do, it will be quite hard and I'm afraid I can't help you from there as I'm not very good at modding, you should probably follow some basic modding tutorials to give you an idea of how to do the basics before setting off on this. Good luck!

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