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Thread: How to sum up elements in an array?

  1. #1
    Junior Member D-X69's Avatar
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    Question How to sum up elements in an array?

    hello java programmers out there im new here and also new to java. I just started java programming lately and I find it really tough yet challenging. And I'm trying really hard to get the hang of java, so I hope you pros out there could help me improve.

    ok here's my question.

    Im trying to sum up all elements in an array so i can find its average.

    For example this code:

    int[] testResults = {80, 82, 62, 49, 16, 18};

    How do I sum up all the elements in that array? And how do I find its average?

    Can anyone give me an example of the code and some explanation. Thanks

  2. #2
    Super Moderator pbrockway2's Avatar
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    Default Re: How to sum up elements in an array?

    Try a for loop.

    If you get stuck, post code! And the (inevitable) cryptic compiler messages, and describe any crazy runtime behaviour - exceptions or just plain wrong answers.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator pbrockway2's Avatar
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    Default Re: How to sum up elements in an array?

    Also at Sum up elements in an array?

    For whatever little it's worth my reply was considered and well intentioned. Ignore it. Move upstream and cast a lure in some other bend in the stream. But that's behaviour that will be noticed.

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