Hello, My name is Darren and i am 15. I have been codeing varies languages since about 2 years ago and i know a fair ammount about programming (I know alot of basics like a bout what functions,loops are e.t.c.)
I know PHP/Mysql (im currently making a browser game ) and i know a language called 'Pawno' which is used for SA-MP San Andreas Multiplayer mod for Grand Theft Auto (GTA SA)...
Now, i have used java code before and played with it to make crappy lil calculators and stuff but my question here is What do i do if i want to start to add graphics to Java programs??? I want to be able to make small games (like mario or somthing Pong - lol) then move onto 3d engines to create cool java games...
The reason i want to learn this is because i cant go straight to harder languages so i supsoe its best to learn enough on java to make games then move on harder languages when im ready....so thanks for anyone who helps
Btw, in case its not clear..my question is:- how can i start to add Graphics/gaming interface to Java