Hello everyone, I am currently try to solve a problem which requires the generation of all 2^16 arrays each with different values and I'm afraid I have no clue how to do so efficiently. Could anyone please point me to an algorithm which could be utilized for such a task?
What my problem is : I need to generate 4x4 True/False tables that meet certain criteria. These criteria are listed in my code and preceded by //Rule.
What I believe I need : Every possible variation of a 4x4 boolean array. Each one having a distinctive pattern of True/False compared to the other.
What I am asking for here : A method with which to generate these distinctive tables.
Sorry for my lack of specificity everyone.
EDIT : I have now added a way to generate my tables. I find the binary value of every number from 0-665536. I then convert this binary value to a string. if this less string is less than 16 chars in length then I add 0's until that condition is satisfied. I then convert that string into usable information using an if statement and the charAt method of the string class (line 9).
Some of the rules were terribly written but happened to work when I put in perfect tables ( I learned a valuable lesson regarding testing today.)
To the person who was confused by the rules, I apologize for the confusion, I made a quite a few mistakes ( I've been programming for less than 2 year and it shows, I apologize ).
Thank you everyone for helping me.
If anyone has any improvement please do tell me, I seek nothing more than to better myself!
For those interested. This was all for the sake of computing a solution to this problem :
The tables below are example of the distinctive tables I need to generate where.
x : true
: false
This is table 1:
null [x] [x] [ ] [x]
null [x] [ ] [ ] [ ]
null [ ] [ ] [ ] [x]
null [x] [ ] [x] [ ]
This is table 2
null [x] [x] [ ] [x]
null [x] [x] [ ] [ ]
null [ ] [ ] [x] [x]
null [x] [ ] [x] [ ]
This is table 3
null [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
null [ ] [ ] [x] [ ]
null [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
null [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Though I have no bugs at the moment I'll include the code so far anyway.
public class logicp1 { public static boolean[][] convertToTable(String s){ int c = 0; boolean[][] dog = new boolean[4][4]; for ( int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { for ( int i =0; i < 4; i++) { if(s.charAt(c) == '1'){ dog[k][i] = true; c++; } else{ c++;} } } return dog; } public static boolean compareArray(boolean[][][] s, boolean[][] k) { for ( int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { if (compareTable(s[i],k) == true ) return true; i++; } return false; } public static boolean compareTable(boolean[][] s, boolean[][] p){ for ( int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { for ( int i =0; i < 4; i++) { if (s[k][i] != p[k][i]) return false; } }return true; } public static void sop(Object s){ System.out.println(s); } public static boolean checkFor(String[] s,String k) { int i = 0; while(s[i] != null ) { if (s[i].equals(k)) return true; i++;} return false; } public static boolean checkRules(boolean[][] likeTable) { boolean isTrue = false; // Rule 1 Dana Likes Cody in terms of table values it is necessary that likeTable[3][2] is always true. Thus : if ( likeTable[3][2] == false ) return false; // Rule 2 Bess does not Like Dana. Therfore likeTable[1][3] is always false. Thus : if ( likeTable[1][3] == true) return false; // Rule 3 Cody does not like Abby, therefore likeTable[2][0] is always False if ( likeTable[2][0] == true ) return false; // Rule 4 Nobody likes someone who does not like her. This translates to an if statement. // if likeTable[x][y] == true then likeTable[y][x] must be true for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for ( int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { if (likeTable[i][c] != likeTable[c][i]) return false; } } // Rule 5 Abby like everyone who likes Bess . This means that if [x][1] == true, then likeTable[3][x] == true for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ if ( likeTable[i][1] == true && likeTable[0][i] == false ) return false; } // Rule 6 Dana likes everyone Bess likes. This can be ensured through a for loop which takes the values of Bess and // replaced the values of Dana with them. e.g for i < 3; likeTable[3][i] gets likeTable[1][i] This also means that the dana array does not need to be manipulated during generation. for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ if (likeTable[1][i] == true && likeTable[3][i] == false ) return false; } // Rule 7 Everybody likes somebody Meaning that for any likeTable[i][0-3] one of htese values must be true. boolean[][] ffs = new boolean[4][1]; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for ( int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { if (likeTable[i][c] == true)ffs[i][0] = true; } } boolean allTrue = true;; for ( int i = 0;i<ffs.length;i++) { if (ffs[i][0] == false) allTrue = false; } return allTrue; } public static void printTable(boolean[][] likeTable) { String[] lines = new String[4]; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ for ( int c = 0; c < 4; c++){ if ( likeTable[i][c] == true) lines[i] += " [x] "; else{ lines[i] += " [ ] "; } } } for ( int i = 0; i <4;i++) { System.out.println(lines[i]);} } public static void main (String[] args){ boolean[][] likeTable = new boolean[4][4]; // boolean table created, true = like, false = dislike /* Abby Bess Cody Dana * Abby * Bess * Cody * Dana /* Algorithm : I will load the rules of the world into the program and store them as constant rules. I will then generate variations of the truth table and test against the states * below is the initialization of each rule */ System.out.println(likeTable[2][0]); likeTable[0][0] = true; likeTable[1][0] = true; likeTable[0][1] = true; likeTable[0][3] = true; likeTable[2][3] = true; likeTable[3][0] = true; likeTable[3][2] = true; boolean[][][] wtf = new boolean[2][2][2]; wtf[0] = likeTable; printTable(wtf[0]); String dog = "1011001010011000"; sop("woof"); printTable(convertToTable(dog)); int a = 0; boolean[][] temp; final int n = 16; String[] woof = new String[100]; for (int i = 0; i < Math.pow(2, n); i++) { String bin = Integer.toBinaryString(i); while (bin.length() < n)bin = "0" + bin; temp = convertToTable(bin); if(checkRules(temp)==true){ woof[a] = bin; a++;}} sop(a); for ( int i = 0; i < a; i ++) {printTable(convertToTable(woof[i])); sop("_____________________________");} // Rule 7 Everybody likes somebody. Meaning that for any likeTable[i][0-3] one of htese values must be true. } } // The algorithm will complete its task by going through each rule and fulfilling it by altering the values of the Table. It will however ruleCheck after each alteration to ensure that the world's adherence ot the rules is maintained.