I have a midterm coming up tomorrow night, and it's basically us reading a set of codes and seeing where the errors are and what set of codes are needed to make the program compile succesfully.
Here is the program I am using to review for the midterm, it is a menu which uses frames and panels, and has the user interact with check boxes to pick what items he/she wants, then lists the invoice of all the transactions.
import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.*; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.awt.Font; public class Breakfast { public static JFrame frame; static public void main(String[] args) { frame = new JFrame ("Ben's Breakfast Bar Menu"); // creates frame with "Ben's Breakfast Bar Menu" as title frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Sets the X button to close the program MenuOptionsPanel panel = new MenuOptionsPanel(); // calls upon MenuOptionsPanel class frame.getContentPane().add (panel); frame.pack(); frame.setLocation(200,300); frame.setVisible(true); } public static void displayInvoice(JCheckBox[] items,float[] prices,String[] namesOfItems) { NumberFormat money = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); float costOfItems=0.0f; String message = ""; message+= "You ordered:\n------------------------------\n"; message+= String.format("%-24s%6s\n","Food Item","Price")+"\n"; for (int index=0; index != items.length; index++) { if (items[index].isSelected()) { costOfItems += prices[index]; message += String.format("%-24s%6s\n", namesOfItems[index], money.format(prices[index])); } } message +="\n------------------------------\n"; message +=String.format("%-24s%6s","AMOUNT TO PAY", money.format(costOfItems)); message += "\n------------------------------\n\n"; message +="Thank you - enjoy your meal!"; JTextArea text = new JTextArea(message); text.setBorder(null); text.setOpaque(false); text.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 14) ); MenuOptionsPanel.frame2.setVisible(false); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, text); } }
import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class MenuOptionsPanel extends JPanel { private static JLabel prompt; private static JRadioButton one, two, three; private static MenuPanel mp; public static JFrame frame2; //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets up a panel with a label and a set of radio buttons // that present options to the user. //----------------------------------------------------------------- public MenuOptionsPanel() { setLayout(new GridLayout(4,1)); prompt = new JLabel ("Choose your option?"); prompt.setFont (new Font ("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 24)); one = new JRadioButton ("Choose from the Menu"); one.setBackground (Color.green); two = new JRadioButton ("Display Purchase Invoice"); two.setBackground (Color.green); three = new JRadioButton ("Exit"); three.setBackground (Color.green); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); group.add (one); group.add (two); group.add (three); MenuOptionListener mol = new MenuOptionListener(); one.addActionListener (mol); two.addActionListener (mol); three.addActionListener (mol); add (prompt); add (one); add (two); add (three); setBackground (Color.green); setPreferredSize (new Dimension(400, 100)); } //***************************************************************** // Represents the listener for the radio buttons //***************************************************************** private class MenuOptionListener implements ActionListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Calls the method to process the option for which radio // button was pressed. //-------------------------------------------------------------- public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) { Object source = event.getSource(); if (source == one) { mp = new MenuPanel(); // instantiates the MenuPanel class frame2 = new JFrame("Breakfast Menu"); frame2.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); frame2.getContentPane().add(mp); frame2.setLocation(500,100); // Adds parameters and coordinates for the panel frame2.pack(); frame2.setVisible(true); } else if (source == two) Breakfast.displayInvoice(MenuPanel.items, MenuPanel.prices, MenuPanel.namesOfItems); else { String message; message = "Thanks for Dining at Bobs\nHope you enjoyed your meal"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, message); System.exit(0); } } } }
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.text.NumberFormat; public class MenuPanel extends JPanel { private static NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); //NumberFormat is abstract base class for all number formats. Provides //interface for formatting and parsing numbers. //getCurrencyInstance = returns a currency format for the spcecified locale //private boolean[] selectedItems; private JLabel foodColLabel,priceColLabel,priceLabel; public static JCheckBox[] items; private int numberOfItems; private JButton checkOut; public static String[] namesOfItems = {"Eggs","Blueberry Pancakes", "Bagels with Cream Cheese", "English Muffin","Yogurt", "Corned Beef Hash","Toast", "Fries","Tea","Coffee","Hot Chocolate"}; public static float[] prices = {2.75f,4.0f,1.5f,0.95f,1.0f,1.75f, 0.75f,1.0f,0.75f,1.20f,1.95f}; // sets each price to the corresponding item. iE 2.75 for eggs etc public MenuPanel() { numberOfItems = namesOfItems.length; //selectedItems = new boolean[numberOfItems]; // set layout setLayout(new GridLayout(numberOfItems+2,2)); //sets the rows and collums // insert labels foodColLabel = new JLabel("MenuItems"); priceColLabel = new JLabel("Price of Items"); add(foodColLabel); add(priceColLabel); // insert a check box for each item items = new JCheckBox[numberOfItems]; for (int index=0; index != numberOfItems; index++) // for (initialization; termination; increment // Keep in mind: intilization expression initializes the loop, executed // once as the loop beings. // When terminaion expression evalutes to false, the loop terminates { items[index] = new JCheckBox(namesOfItems[index],false); items[index].setBackground (Color.green); add(items[index]); priceLabel = new JLabel(fmt.format(prices[index])); add(priceLabel); // item[index].addItemListener(this); } } checkOut = new JButton("CheckOut"); ButtonListener bl = new ButtonListener(); checkOut.addActionListener(bl); add(checkOut); setBackground (Color.green); setPreferredSize (new Dimension(400, 500)); } private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Calls the method when Button is pressed //-------------------------------------------------------------- public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) { Object source = event.getSource(); if (source == checkOut) { // Breakfast.frame.setVisible(false); Breakfast.displayInvoice(items,prices,namesOfItems); } } } }
As you can see I have added some notes, however I am having trouble understanding the boolean arguements in the code.
For example, in the MenuPanel.java class, there is a segment of the code which states:
{ items[index] = new JCheckBox(namesOfItems[index],false); items[index].setBackground (Color.green); add(items[index]); priceLabel = new JLabel(fmt.format(prices[index])); add(priceLabel); // item[index].addItemListener(this); } }
What does the items[index] = new JCheckBox(namesOfItems[index],false); what does the "false" mean?
Same thing here:
if (source == checkOut) { // Breakfast.frame.setVisible(false); Breakfast.displayInvoice(items,prices,namesOfItems); }
I am having trouble understanding the boolean value of (false)
Another question:
message +=String.format("%-24s%6s","AMOUNT TO PAY", money.format(costOfItems));
I am having trouble understanding the %-24s and %6s, I know this statement is for the placement of the expression, so -24s would mean 24 characters to the left correct? and 6s would mean 6 characters to the right? Does the s mean string? So it would mean 24 strings to the left? What does the s represent? Also, what is the difference between %-24s and %-24f? Is the usage of s and f depending on what value the expression is printing?