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Thread: cant do it...i have exam tommorow...plezz help me...

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Lightbulb cant do it...i have exam tommorow...plezz help me...

    write a program to read a list of employee salary. display the total number of salary and the number of salary grades as follow: 1000-2000 is an A, 2001-3000 is a B, 3001-4000 is a C,4001-5000 is a D, and 5001-6000 is an E.use a 999 as a sentinel value to indicate the end of the input. (the 999 value is used only to end the loop, so do not use it in the calculations). the output must be follow:

    Enter a salary (enter 999 to stop key in data) = 1500.50
    Enter a salary (enter 999 to stop key in data) = 2400.5
    Enter a salary(enter 999 to stop key in data) = 3200.50
    Enter a salary (enter 999 to stop key in data) = 4500.50
    Enter a salary (enter 999 to stop key in data) = 5500.00
    Enter a salary (enter 999 to stop key in data) = 5000.00
    Enter a salary (enter 999 to stop key in data) = 3000.00
    Enter a salary (enter 999 to stop key in data) = 999
    total number of salary = 7
    Number of salary grade A = 1
    Number of salary grade B = 2
    Number of salary grade C = 1
    Number of salary grade D = 2
    Number of salary grade E = 1

    *help me to do a code

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: cant do it...i have exam tommorow...plezz help me...

    Sorry, I have no way to set the clock back for a long enough time for you to be able to write this program.
    If you still want to write the program, post the code that you currently have in the What's Wrong With My Code? section and add some questions about the problems you are having with the program.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: cant do it...i have exam tommorow...plezz help me...

    thanxx anywayy

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: cant do it...i have exam tommorow...plezz help me...

    i will do it for tommorrow

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