Design Accessors and Mutators for the Employee object(employee class) variables and give examples of code snippets on how to implement those methods in the employeeTest class.
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Design Accessors and Mutators for the Employee object(employee class) variables and give examples of code snippets on how to implement those methods in the employeeTest class.
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i did everything in the assignment our lecturer hasnt taught anything about this and we in first year the question on thsi assignment are 2nd year level we don't have a hardcopy text book as we use tablets and ebook to access the book.....i have a java book but it has nothing that can help, iv already compiled and run the code and modified it
Have you solved your problem?iv already compiled and run the code and modified it
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yes but dont understand the question i sent in
I think another term for accessors and mutators is getters and setters. Try asking google for those terms.
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