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Thread: JFrame, JPanel and Drawing Rectangles Help

  1. #1
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    Default JFrame, JPanel and Drawing Rectangles Help

    Hello, First off, I am trying to create a very simple start screen layout(one that has a title at the top with buttons(rectangles) that change colors if the mouse is over top and have strings drawn on top of them) but I ran into a problem with the rectangles.
    The problem was that the rectangles and Strings were flickering and after many google attempts, I think that the problem involves a paint and repaint method on the JFrame.
    My question is what component could hold a game menu without flickering and how would I connect that to the main JFrame?

    Thank You!

  2. #2
    Super Moderator jps's Avatar
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    Default Re: JFrame, JPanel and Drawing Rectangles Help

    Quote Originally Posted by TheSheepey9 View Post
    I think that the problem involves a paint and repaint method on the JFrame.
    Are you using the paintComponent method to do your drawing?
    Quote Originally Posted by TheSheepey9 View Post
    My question is what component could hold a game menu without flickering and how would I connect that to the main JFrame?
    Any container that can display an image should do so without flicker. Are you calling repaint()?
    Post your drawing code if you don't mind. It will be much easier to help fix the flicker if we can see the cause of it.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: JFrame, JPanel and Drawing Rectangles Help

    I tried the paint(); and paintComponent(); and it still flickered.
    I don't think i was using a container as i was using one Class called Main and painting the images(in this case, rectangles) directly on the JFrame.
    Unfortunately, I am not able to display the code as i got frustrated and kind of deleted the project....... bu I think I know whyat I did wrong(I think i need a new class that extends a JPanel and print the graphics to that and have the JPanel appear on top the JFrame).
    Thanks Again.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: JFrame, JPanel and Drawing Rectangles Help

    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Norm For This Useful Post:

    TheSheepey9 (April 23rd, 2013)

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    Default Re: JFrame, JPanel and Drawing Rectangles Help

    Thank You!

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