Hey guys,
I am still not a pro with Java but my imagination isn't bad at all. I know with Java I could "be God" and do whatever I want, just that I need to learn to be able to get there. Even so, I still would like to ask you fellas a couple of questions, and probably get a hint or two on how to get to what I am trying to accomplish.
You know, the JVM jumps from class to class when we let it know she need to look for the code elsewhere. I've been working on a project of main classes creating other main classes. The good thing about them is that they are independent from from another if I make sure its that way.
1) Is it possible for the runtime to jump from one program to the other, without ever having to go back to the original main class?
In other words, I am asking if there is some sort of "break" operator, that enables the runtime to completely divorce from the original, stopping without ever going to the last part of the code of first main class.
2) Is it possible to have 2 or more runtimes, which originated from one Runtime?
We are still talking about independent classes creating and starting other classes.
3) If question #2 is a "Yes", how many Runtimes could the JVM or equipment would be able to handle?
For example, how many 10kb - sized main classes could run simultaneously, without having the JVM ask for mercy, or the rest of the equipment.
4) Classes are compiled in the native byte code. Is it possible to convert class files into a different programming language?
This is a logic question, since we know that byte code is the native language, some kind of "international" convention or converging point to other languages.