Hi there! Thanks for clicking on this thread!
I am a beginner, a confused but eager one! I am using the Java language and trying to program for a simple single line of text.
I turned on DOS and got to make a file (with a "vi thing" I downloaded with Cygwin) with the file name "Howdy.java"
I press enter and a blank space appears and I typed correctly:
Then compile the program. I turned on another DOS, and got it to display my files and directories. In the tutorial video I was watching, the instructor's file appeared correctly as "Howdy.java", but mine appeared as "Howdy.java.swp".
When I tried to use javac with it, DOS told me javac was not recognized as an internal or external command.
I am very perplexed and deeply troubled! I've really been trying to troubleshoot it all day long but couldn't get it.
If anyone would shed some light at all, I would be tearfully thankful.