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Thread: How would i do these things??

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default How would i do these things??

    Ok ive used this sites search engine, been on other sites but i can never get the info im looking, for please help;

    i) Ok theres this game, upon creating a server for the game, you are provided with a command prompt window as displayed below, this acts as a console where u can type commands to adjust the server variables and events taking place on the server (in game) are displayed, my question is how could i (instead of typing) get my java program to 'print' strings in this window?

    Click image for enlarged view

    ii) With regards to the same command prompt window, how would I read lines from this window into my program?

    iii) In the context of the above command prompt window, how would i make my program constantly monitor the command prompt window and process each new line of text as it appears, almost like a listener but for the occurence of text?

    iv) Can java programs only be compiled to .exe's using specialized software? If so what is the best free software i can aquire to do this?

    Your help and answers would be greatly appreciated

    *Warning there very well might be follow up questions to the above, i only just matriculated, that combined with a little further exploration of java coding is the limit of my experience and knowledge

  2. #2
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    Default Re: How would i do these things??

    Sorry wasnt i clear or did i not provide enough info?
    just the inputing from and outputing to that command box is the main info or task i need help with

  3. #3
    Super Moderator helloworld922's Avatar
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    Default Re: How would i do these things??

    One thing you can try is to redirect all output via the command console to your java program:

    (in the commandline)
    some_program.exe >> javax some_java_program

    I believe this will set some_java_program's input stream to come from some_program.exe.

    You can compile Java programs to .exe files via some external program, but then the would only run under windows. The preferred method is archive your java program into an executable jar file (see here[/b]).
    The Eclipse and NetBeans IDE's (and probably some others) also come with the ability to export to executable jar without having to use the command line.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: How would i do these things??

    Ah thank you so much, ill definately try that and get back to you =)

  5. #5
    Senile Half-Wit Freaky Chris's Avatar
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    Default Re: How would i do these things??

    If you were to get your Java program to launch the console game, then it could open input and ouput pipes with the console so that you can monitor everything that happens and write out to it.


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