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Thread: Declaring an object using an interface implemented by its class vs declaring an object using the class

  1. #1
    Junior Member pyler's Avatar
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    Default Declaring an object using an interface implemented by its class vs declaring an object using the class

    Suppose you have a generic Dog class of the pet type that implements a DogInterface of the pet type. What is the difference between;

    DogInterface<pet> Rex = new Dog<pet>();
    Dog<pet> Tye = new Dog<pet>();

    In what situations might you want to use Rex instead of Tye?
    Last edited by pyler; April 9th, 2014 at 04:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Crazy Cat Lady KevinWorkman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Declaring an object using an interface implemented by its class vs declaring an object using the class

    This is the same as having a List<String> interface and an ArrayList<String> implementation.

    You use this:

    List<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();

    Instead of this:

    ArrayList<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();

    Because you don't care whether myList is an ArrayList, as long as it's a List. If later you change myList to be a LinkedList instead of an ArrayList, the second line would require code changes, and the first line would not.

    This is called "programming to an interface", and it's worth a google.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Declaring an object using an interface implemented by its class vs declaring an object using the class

    Adding to what Kevin said. Here is the most common advantage, in my experience.
    Let's say we had the DogInterface, and then two classes which implement the DogInterface: Dog and Puppy.
    Declaring a list with the DogInterface type allows us to add both Dog and Puppy objects to the same list. Also, if we are unsure what subclass of a type we will use, we can declare the variable with whatever superclass our options share.
    Here is a code example which covers a bunch of different uses for this sort of stuff:
    public class Example {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
    		/* dogs is a list of DogInterface types because it
    		 * can contain BOTH Dog and Puppy objects
    		List<DogInterface> dogs = new ArrayList<>();
    		while(true) {
    			/* rex is of type DogInterface because we do
    			 * not know if the user will create a new
    			 * Dog object or a new Puppy object
    			DogInterface rex = null;
    			System.out.println("Enter 'Dog' or 'Puppy'");
    			String input = in.nextLine();
    			if(input.equals("Dog")) {
    				rex = new Dog();
    			else if(input.equals("Puppy")) {
    				rex = new Puppy();
    			if(rex==null) {
    		for(int i=0;i<dogs.size();i++) {
    			/* dog is of type DogInterface because we 
    			 * do not know if we are getting a Dog or
    			 * a Puppy object from the dogs list
    			DogInterface dog = dogs.get(i);
    			/* We use instanceof to determine if the
    			 * DogInterface is "really" a Dog object
    			 * or a Puppy object
    			if(dog instanceof Dog) {
    				System.out.println("A dog");		
    			else if(dog instanceof Puppy) {
    				System.out.println("A puppy");

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