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Thread: Why Java is better for web development ?

  1. #1
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    Default Why Java is better for web development ?

    In the second decade of 21st century software IT industry got flooded with new technologies, there are so many options to choose from that it is next to impossible to choose the right one for development.

    In current scenario every language has its pros and cons, some are good for rapid application development, some are easy for content management, some are faster than its peers, and some are secure. Therefore, considering the targeted solution one should choose the technology.

    So, Why Java is better for web development ?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    The vast majority of the appropriate responses on the this one are from around 2014, so I thought of including some new point of view. To set the setting right, it's 2017, so I'm accepting, when you say building up a web application you're looking at building up a REST backend. Your front-end will most likely(if not then you're accomplishing something genuinely wrong) be React or Angular. So the inquiry comes down to which dialect ought to be a superior decision to create REST endpoints.
    The appropriate response is Python.

    So why not Java. Well however Java has some miniaturized scale systems, it's more probable that a venture will pick the more secure course with Spring. While Spring conveys increasingly to the table with each progressive emphasess it's undeniably snowballing into a mammoth mass of layers of wrapper around center functionalities. Spring is wonderful when things go right, however when they don't, well… ..

    Java construct cycles utilizing Jenkins take longer and their arrangement on Docker compartments take significantly more, accepting you've a ceaseless combination pipeline set up(you don't… .like seriously!!!)

    It deteriorates, incorporating your information science pipeline on a Java stack is a bad dream. You could get around that issue utilizing Scala which is control pressed with an entire pack of ML libraries and toolsets, and keeps running on the jvm, yet that still isn't perfect and exquisite.

    Java is verbose, dash cycles even in expansive ventures today request quicker generation cycles, not a simple assignment by any means.

    Bottomline, Java's is excessively of an abundance things for 2017.

    Enter Python… .drum roll… … .

    Pick between Falcon, Flask or Bottle.. they're all moderate systems and does exactly what you need them to do. Ofcourse you could utilize Django or rather hop off the rooftop… .Django's as pointless as Ruby on Rails.

    Coordinating with the information science pipeline, well Pandas and SciKit learn are industry pioneers. Quicker form cycles, quicker organizations, quicker everything… .

    Still not sold, well Python loans itself significantly less demanding to useful programming over OOP, or, in other words bearing the business is gradually moving towards.

    One little admonition, don't for a minute think Python is less complex than Java, it's definitely not. Never was.

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  4. #3

    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    Although PHP is good for web earning for career growth Java is better. Both languages are better and have their own prospects. Some developers use Java for making large application and some use PHP, as well as both, have the same functionalities.

  5. #4

    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    What makes JAVA better for web development?

    Java and C both are object oriented programming languages, C was developed for application programming whereas java was developed for network programming. Although Java is derived from C language but it is more popular and performs better for having a disciplined approach. As it is said by Sun Tzu in “The art of war” that army will win which is more disciplined” C lost its position to java for not enforcing object orientation and less cross platform libraries.

    Java is structurally programmed and strongly typed where programmer needs to declare variable and data type for each value. JAVA is popular and has a huge community despite the fact that it is difficult for programmers to code in java as compared to Python, PHP or .Net. The disciplined structural programming with increasing features makes it perfect for enterprise level applications. If a business isn’t expecting thousands of users to access its website simultaneously then they can use PHP or Nodejs for the time being.
    Last edited by kadammanali987; December 26th, 2018 at 05:28 AM.

  6. #5
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    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    Java is very useful in web development. Java website not will be hacked.

  7. #6
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    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    Really depending on requirements and target.
    If you are developing for business or personal use.
    I would not recommend Java-based web development for personal websites.
    Why? It is resource intensive and too complicated for the purpose.
    Imagine developing classes and maintaining correct relationships between them, interfaces and any other view based technology.
    Java Programming is more secure programming languages as compare to another.
    Last edited by Marck; May 3rd, 2019 at 05:01 AM. Reason: want to improve our queation

  8. #7
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    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    Java has seen heavy use building enterprise applications, experienced developers to make use of. This means that Java can be used for a large variety of usecases, from small applications and single page sites, all the way through to large enterprise applications with lots and lots of data.

  9. #8
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    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    java is platform independent language,that makes java much more effective,compare than others,with oracle java is much more secure,
    mostly websites ,who needs large scale database is use java with oracle. Now Days Angular JS and Node JS is makes more powerful java.

  10. #9

    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    JavaProgramming language can speak with countless different frameworks including peer-web-administrations, information bases, centralized server back-finishes and data sets all in a similar application. Moreover, because of the better instrument support, Java Frameworks are simpler to introduce, all around reported and test antiquities.

  11. #10
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    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    Java is considered to be a more secure language, compared to PHP. It has more built-in security features while PHP developers have to opt for other frameworks. However, in terms of security, Java works better for complex projects because it can block some features in low-level programming to protect the PC.

  12. #11

    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    Compared to PHP, Java is thought to be a more secure language. It has built-in security measures, whereas PHP developers must use other frameworks. On the other hand, Java is preferable for complex projects in terms of security because it can block various low-level programming features to protect the PC. Join Java training to learn more.

    Java is a well-known and widely-used programming language that has been used to design and develop a wide range of software applications. Java was created to be a cross-platform, object-oriented programming language. It means it can run on various operating systems without causing any issues.

  13. #12
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    Post Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    Java is a better choice for web development for the following reasons:-
    1. Java is a highly scalable language.
    2. Java provides you with cross-platform support.
    3. It has excellent memory management features.
    4. It is highly secure
    5. It has a rich set of APIs
    6. Java tools make you more productive.
    7. It is an object-oriented programming language
    8. It has great community support

  14. #13
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    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    You can develop different kind of programs using Java. Mixing HTML and CSS with Java you can make programs that run on browser over the web; referred as web (site) or web application.
    What you develop depends on the need. You can make a web site, a book, a photo gallery, an accounting application, a banking application… and the list goes on. All of these you can call an application. However there is a slight perception difference between web site and web application. A web site mostly provides information to user and an application achieves a functional process not just by providing information but also capturing information from user. Typically web sites are simple to make and web application are complex as they have to deal with transaction processing.
    However there is no such rule, even a web site can have all sophistication and complexity of a web application. This is when web development and web application development converge.

  15. #14
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    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    Java is better for web development because of the following reasons:

    Scalability of the language: Web development projects require a high amount of scalability as the traffic on site keeps on changing from time to time. Java has the provision for scalability which makes it more popular among developers.

    Portability of the code: Once writing the Java code, you can use it across any operating system. The Independent nature of the Java language is helpful in the web development

    Memory Management Feature: Garbage collector in Java helps in managing the memory. A programmer doesn't have to focus on the memory every time as objects get deleted when not in use.

  16. #15
    Junior Member Sumit Bhatt's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    Java is a Highly Scalable Language. Many web advancement projects require high versatility. Java is a viable decision to construct such sorts of sites or applications. Dissimilar to other programming dialects, which are not so adaptable as Java, you really want not to stress while involving Java in the application.

  17. #16
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    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    Java is a versatile language and can be used for a variety of purposes ranging from web development to desktop applications to Android apps.

    One of the main reasons why Java is a popular choice for web development is its platform independence. This means that a Java-based web application can be deployed on any platform that supports Java without the need for any changes or re-compilation.

    Another reason for Java's popularity is its security features. Java is a very secure language and offers a high level of protection from malware and other attacks.

    Java is also a very stable platform and offers a high level of uptime. This is important for any application as downtime can lead to lost customers and revenue.

    Finally, Java is a very scalable language. This means that it can be used to develop large-scale web applications that can handle a lot of traffic and data.

  18. #17
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    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    Your points about Java's versatility and platform independence definitely caught my attention.
    It's true that Java's ability to run on various platforms without any modifications is a major advantage. Imagine developing a web application that can be seamlessly deployed on different operating systems without hassle. That kind of flexibility is a huge win for developers.
    Moreover, Java's robust security features are a significant selling point. In today's digital landscape, where cyber threats are rampant, having a language that prioritizes security is crucial. It's reassuring to know that Java offers a strong shield against malware and other malicious attacks.
    By the way, I recently stumbled upon Magento WordPress integration at
    transformagency.com. It's an interesting concept that combines the power of Magento and the versatility of WordPress. The potential to leverage the strengths of both platforms for web development is definitely worth exploring.
    Last edited by miriamgallagherx; May 16th, 2023 at 08:11 AM.

  19. #18
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    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    Java is often considered advantageous for web development due to the following reasons:

    Platform Independence: Java is designed to be platform-independent, meaning that Java web applications can run on any operating system or platform that supports Java. This portability enables developers to write code once and deploy it across different environments, reducing development and maintenance efforts.

    Robust and Scalable: Java is known for its robustness and scalability. It offers a strong type system, exception handling, and automatic memory management, which helps in building stable and reliable web applications. Java's enterprise frameworks, such as Spring and Java EE, provide extensive support for building large-scale, enterprise-level applications.

    Rich Ecosystem and Libraries: Java has a vast ecosystem with a wide range of libraries and frameworks dedicated to web development. These libraries offer various functionalities like database connectivity, web services, security, and more, allowing developers to accelerate development and focus on business logic rather than low-level implementation details.

    Mature and Established: Java has been around for a long time and has a mature and stable ecosystem. It has a strong community support, extensive documentation, and a wide range of resources available, including tutorials, forums, and third-party tools. This makes it easier for developers to find solutions, troubleshoot issues, and stay updated with the latest advancements.

    Performance: Java's Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation and optimized runtime environment contribute to its performance. While Java might not be the fastest language in terms of raw execution speed, its performance is often considered satisfactory for web applications. Additionally, Java's multithreading capabilities enable efficient handling of concurrent requests, leading to improved scalability and responsiveness. Earn Java certification and become certified.

    Security: Java has built-in security features, such as a strong access control mechanism and support for encryption and authentication. Furthermore, Java's security libraries and frameworks provide additional layers of protection against common web vulnerabilities, making it a reliable choice for developing secure web applications.

    It's worth noting that the choice of programming language for web development depends on various factors, including project requirements, team expertise, and ecosystem compatibility. While Java offers several advantages, other languages like Python, JavaScript, and Ruby are also widely used for web development, each with its own strengths and use cases.
    Last edited by sarfaraz_k; July 4th, 2023 at 02:56 AM.

  20. #19
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    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    Java is considered better for web development for several reasons:

    Platform independence: Java applications can run on any operating system, making it highly versatile and compatible with different environments.

    Scalability: Java's robust architecture and built-in tools enable the development of scalable web applications that can handle high user loads and complex tasks efficiently.

    Rich ecosystem: Java has a vast array of libraries, frameworks, and tools that simplify web development, allowing developers to build feature-rich applications quickly.

    Security: Java has a strong security model, with built-in features such as bytecode verification, memory management, and encryption, which help and ensure secure web applications.

    Stability and performance: Java's mature and well-tested language ensures stability, and its Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation improves performance, making it suitable for building high-performance web applications.

    Enterprise readiness: Java has long been adopted by enterprises, making it an ideal choice for large-scale web development projects. It offers support for distributed computing, multi-threading, and integration with various enterprise systems.

    Community support: Java has a large and active community of developers, providing extensive resources, documentation, and community-driven support to aid in web development.

  21. #20
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    Default Re: Why Java is better for web development ?

    So looked to view it as C or C++. Software. This is different from Windows application. I'm learning Java to see if I can get a better understanding of the computer. And a better understanding of web pages.

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