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Thread: String subdivision and data return problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts

    Default String subdivision and data return problem

    public void getTraduttoreIt_ENUM_NLS() throws Exception {
    		List<EnumNls> db2 = getListEnumNls();
    		List<DizioPt> sqlServer = getListDizioPt();
    		//Espressioni regolari
    		Pattern prefissoDescrizionePattern = Pattern.compile("(\\d+\\s*-\\s*)?(.*)");
    		BufferedWriter scrivi = new BufferedWriter(
    				new FileWriter("C:/Users/francesco/Desktop/Table_THERA.ENUM_NLS_Sez4.txt"));
    		System.out.println("-------------------WRITE FILE N°4--------TRANSLATION------------------------");
    		for (int i = 0; i < db2.size(); i++) {	
    			//Catturo il valore nell'input
    			Matcher enumDescPulito = prefissoDescrizionePattern.matcher(db2.get(i).getEnumDesc());
    			for (int j = 0; j < sqlServer.size(); j++) {
    				//Faccio la ricerca
    				if(enumDescPulito.find() == true) {
    					if (enumDescPulito.equals(sqlServer.get(j).getKeyword())) {
    								"INSERT INTO THERA.ENUM_NLS VALUES" + "(" + "'" + db2.get(i).getAttributeRef().trim() + "'"
    										+ "," + "'" + db2.get(i).getEnumValue().trim() + "'" + "," + "'" + "en" + "'" + ","
    										+ "'" + sqlServer.get(j).getTraduzione().trim() + "'" + ")" + ";");
    						scrivi.write("INSERT INTO THERA.ENUM_NLS VALUES" + "(" + "'" + db2.get(i).getAttributeRef().trim()
    								+ "'" + "," + "'" + db2.get(i).getEnumValue().trim() + "'" + "," + "'" + "en" + "'" + ","
    								+ "'" + sqlServer.get(j).getTraduzione().trim() + "'" + ")" + ";");

    in addition to returning the db2.get (i) .getEnumDesc () strings which are normal strings. there are some strings like: 1 - Selected house in db2.get (i) .getEnumDesc () I have to cut -> 1 - I have translated the selected part of the house and then reassembled it. 1 - select house in practice, in output, not only normal strings have to be returned, but also strings with numbers, ie 1 - select house in printed output: es. house hello 1 - select 2 - bye etc...
    the problem that there are no errors: That I can't implement this problem: In the double for loop I did, in addition to returning normal strings, it must also return strings starting with numbers. es. Output to print: home, dog, 1 - mouse, 2 - red I only print dog and home, instead it doesn't print 1 - mouse and 2 - red because when I make equality between a record of the first table and the record of the second table I find only home and dog. YOU MUST MAKE THE REGULAR EXPRESSION THAT I DO NOT KNOW APPLY. –
    if I cut the string "1 -" and make the equality between the first mouse record of one table and the other record of the other table, I find myself mouse and then I have to concatenate the string translated from Italian to English 1 - mouse. How you do it?
    it only needs to accept the values ​​from 0 to 9, the hyphen and finally all the strings through regular expressions When I have to print, not only must it print eg. dog home 1 - hello 2 - hello c .... can you help me implement the code?

    //Espressioni regolari
    		Pattern prefissoDescrizionePattern = Pattern.compile("(\\d+\\s*-\\s*)?(.*)");
    		BufferedWriter scrivi = new BufferedWriter(
    				new FileWriter("C:/Users/francesco/Desktop/Table_THERA.ENUM_NLS_Sez4.txt"));
    		System.out.println("-------------------WRITE FILE N°4--------TRANSLATION------------------------");
    		for (int i = 0; i < db2.size(); i++) {	
    			//Catturo il valore nell'input
    			Matcher enumDescPulito = prefissoDescrizionePattern.matcher(db2.get(i).getEnumDesc());
    			for (int j = 0; j < sqlServer.size(); j++) {
    				//Faccio la ricerca
    				if(enumDescPulito.find() == true) {
    					if (enumDescPulito.equals(sqlServer.get(j).getKeyword())) {

    can you help me to complete the code, which does not give any error?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: String subdivision and data return problem

    Can you make a list of the problems and then chose one of the problems to work on?
    The flowing text of your post is hard to follow.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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