Write a while loop, do..while and for loop to count from 100 to 200 by 5s.
--- Update ---
Write a program to find all even numbers between 100 and 200 using the while, do..while and for
loop (use if statement to identify even number)
Write a program to display multiples of 3 less than 200.
4. Write a program that displays a table showing the numbers 1 to 10 and their squares. For example:-
Number Number Squared
1 1
2 4
3 9
4 16
Write a program similar to question 1, but let the user enter the maximum value to display.
Write a program to develop a game. It is called the guessing game. You put a number (of your
choice between 1 to 10) in the program. If the user enters the number you had chosen, congratulate
the user, by printing “Congratulations! You did it!”. If he/she chooses a number less than your
choice, print “Your guess is low, try again!”. And if the number is more than your choice, print
“Your guess is high, try again!” The user must be asked to enter the number as long as he/she gets
the number right.