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Thread: Procedure for running application consisting solely of. class files

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Procedure for running application consisting solely of. class files

    OMG. I've decided Java Programming is a cult. Why on earth can't I post a simple question with just one URL in? Excuse my frustration, but the folks on SO were singularly unhelpful and now I can't post here without removing important information about the source of the code which is giving me trouble.

    Disclaimer: I posted this question elsewhere, but for some reason it didn't go down well. I have almost no experience with Java, but just want some help getting some applets running. This post may reveal ignorance of the most elementary aspects of Java programming and code execution.

    All the lovely applications from the Cut the Knot website no longer work due to Java no longer being supported.

    The code has been made available here: silly my why would I want to provide contextual information in the form of a URL? . Presumably this is so people can still use the applets offline, is they have the requisite knowledge, which unfortunately I do not...

    I have Java installed on my Windows 10 machine, and I can run `java` from PowerShell and get usage details.

    I've no idea what to do next though. In the folder for the applet I want called "bicolor," there are 4 .class files. I tried the obvious `java bicolor.class`, from the containing folder, but got "Could not find or load main class bicolor.class".

    The folder contains just 4 .class files. There are other files in a higher directory, some just "sitting loose" and lots of zipped folders, which I presume contain the files needed for each applet. So I've only unzipped the "bicolor" folder so far.


    What is the most simple procedure to get this collection of .class files running as an application, please?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Procedure for running application consisting solely of. class files

    `java bicolor.class`, from the containing folder, but got "Could not find or load main class bicolor.class".
    The java command takes the name of the class, not the filename. Try: java bicolor

    procedure to get this collection of .class files running as an application
    Look at creating a jar file with a manifest.
    On PCs with java installed, double-clicking on a jar file will start the application it contains.

    Here is a link from Google: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutor...jar/build.html
    when I asked: create java jar file

    folder for the applet
    Applets are not supported by most browsers. I think the AppletViewer program from the JDK may still work.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Procedure for running application consisting solely of. class files

    Thanks. I've given this a really good shot, but I think it's beyond me. Here's what I've tried:

    - found out about jar.exe. added to my path
    - tried to make .jar file from classes in bicolor folder
    - got stumped by something called a manifest file. Read up on these. Tried a couple of entry points. Learned about the required EOL.
    - made some headway then noticed a missing class was in the parent directory of bicolor folder, so the project needs to be managed from the parent folder. This contains a few loose classes and a whole bunch of zipped folder.
    - I try using a wildcard with jar.exe along with the bicolor folder thinking it wouldn't try to add all those zipped folders would it?
    - it did
    - tried running one of the few existing .jar files in the directory. Got manifest issue.
    - Questioned the purpose of my life

    I'm in over my head. I want to do everything from a terminal as getting into configuring an IDE and understanding everything that would be needed is just too big a task, and I'd be doing it as blind as I am now.

    If some kind soul could actually download the repo from https://github.com/edpegg/CutTheKnot-Java and explain to me step by step how to get the individual applets working using just command line tools, I would be very grateful.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Procedure for running application consisting solely of. class files

    Got manifest issue.
    It sounds like you are making progress. When you get an error that you need help with, copy the full text of the error message and paste it here.
    Also copy and paste here the contents of the manifest file.

    What happened when you tried: java bicolor
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Procedure for running application consisting solely of. class files

    What happened when you tried: java bicolor
    That was one of the first things I tried:

    PS C:\Users\HP\Desktop\CutTheKnot-Java-master\CutTheKnot-Java-master\classes\classes\bicolor> java bicolor
    Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: CTKImprint1
    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Class.privateGetMethodRecursive(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Class.getMethod0(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Unknown Source)
    at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.validateMainClass(Unkn own Source)
    at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.checkAndLoadMain(Unkno wn Source)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: CTKImprint1
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    ... 7 more
    I don't know what else to try as I don't have the big picture knowledge, and there are all those zipped folders along with the loose class files and zero instructions. I think without someone actually looking at the repo and telling me how to get this working I'm unlikely to work it out myself. There's just too many permutations of possible actions.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Procedure for running application consisting solely of. class files

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: CTKImprint1
    Is there a file named: CTKImprint1.??? some where in the files you have downloaded?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Procedure for running application consisting solely of. class files

    This is what I have after unzipping one level:

    │ Abacus.jar
    │ Abacus.zip
    │ ABisector.zip
    │ ABOnCircumcircle.zip
    │ AbulWafaPythagoras.zip
    │ Adams.zip
    │ AdamsCircle.zip
    │ AdditionLawOfChange.zip
    │ AdjacentIncircles.zip
    │ AffirmativeAction.zip
    │ AgeProblem.jar
    │ AgeProblem.zip
    │ AHamilton.zip
    │ Aliquot.zip
    │ AllCombinations.zip
    │ AllPerm.zip
    │ AllTrianglesIsosceles.zip
    │ AlNayriziConstruction.zip
    │ AltitudeAndCircumcircle.zip
    │ AltitudeMirror.zip
    │ AltitudeMirror2.zip
    │ Angle.zip
    │ AngleBetweenTangentAndChord.zip
    │ AngleBisector.zip
    │ AngleBisectorInEquilateralTrapezoid.zip
    │ AngleBisectorInRectangle.zip
    │ AngleBisectorRatio.zip
    │ AngleBisectorRatio2.zip
    │ AngleBisectorsInEllpse.zip
    │ AngleBisectorsInEllpse2.zip
    │ AngleBisectorsInQuadri.zip
    │ AngleOnDiameter.zip
    │ AngleProperty.zip
    │ AnglesInCircle.zip
    │ AnglesInCube.zip
    │ AnglesInTriangle.zip
    │ AnonymousVisitor.zip
    │ AnticomplementaryTriangle.zip
    │ Antiparallel.zip
    │ AnyQuadri.zip
    │ APMO2009_3.zip
    │ ApollonianCircle.zip
    │ Apollonius.zip
    │ ApolloniusCircle.class
    │ ApolloniusGasket.zip
    │ Apportionment.zip
    │ ApportionmentApplet.zip
    │ Arbelos.zip
    │ ArbelosBui.zip
    │ ArbelosConcyclic.zip
    │ ArbelosIncircle.zip
    │ ArbelosPWW.zip
    │ ArbelosRect.zip
    │ archi.zip
    │ ArchimedesLever.zip
    │ ArchimedesQuadruplets.zip
    │ ArchimedesTriangle.zip
    │ AreaOfCircle.zip
    │ AreaOfParallelogram.zip
    │ AreaOfTriangle.zip
    │ AreasInRegPoly.zip
    │ AreasInSquare.zip
    │ ArithMagic.zip
    │ ArithmeticSequence.zip
    │ ArrangePyth.zip
    │ AsiaPacificKite.zip
    │ AutoFlipper.zip
    │ AuxeticTessellation.zip
    │ AverageInSquare.zip
    │ Bachet.zip
    │ BadLimit.zip
    │ BallsInJar.zip
    │ BalticDarij1.zip
    │ banner.class
    │ banner.zip
    │ bannerboard.class
    │ BarCodeEncoding.zip
    │ BarCodeMagic.zip
    │ Barlotti.zip
    │ BarryCipra.zip
    │ Barycentric.zip
    │ Barycentrics.class
    │ Barygon.zip
    │ BaseConversion.zip
    │ BaseSys.class
    │ Bender.zip
    │ bertrand.zip
    │ Besteman.zip
    │ Besteman2.zip
    │ BetterInteger.class
    │ BetterMoveablePoly.class
    │ BetterMover.class
    │ BetterRotatingPoly.class
    │ BevanPoint.zip
    │ BicentricQuadri.zip
    │ BicentricQuadri2.zip
    │ bicolor.zip
    │ BiColorHanoi.zip
    │ BID.zip
    │ BimediansInTetrahedron.zip
    │ BinomialDistribution.zip
    │ BirdsOnWire.zip
    │ BisectalCircle.zip
    │ BisectorCircleTriad.zip
    │ BlackHole.zip
    │ blithe12.zip
    │ BOL1.zip
    │ BOL10.zip
    │ BOL12.zip
    │ BOL13.zip
    │ BOL2.zip
    │ BOL3.zip
    │ BOL5.zip
    │ BOL6.zip
    │ BOL9.zip
    │ Bottema.zip
    │ BoxVolume.zip
    │ BQTLemma.zip
    │ BQTN.zip
    │ Brahmagupta.zip
    │ Brahmagupta2.zip
    │ BreadthWidth.zip
    │ Brianchon.zip
    │ BrianchonInEllipse.zip
    │ BrickWall.zip
    │ BridesChair.zip
    │ BrokenChord.zip
    │ BrokenChordMrHomm.zip
    │ BrokenChordPaperFolding.zip
    │ BTreeTesting.zip
    │ Buffon.zip
    │ BuildingBridge.zip
    │ BuildingBridges.zip
    │ BuiQuangTuan.zip
    │ BuiQuangTuan2.zip
    │ BulgingLines.zip
    │ Butterfly.zip
    │ ButterflyInEllipse.zip
    │ c.sh
    │ CabartCollinearity.zip
    │ Calculator.zip
    │ Calendar.zip
    │ Candy.zip
    │ CandyDown.zip
    │ Cantor.zip
    │ CantorPoint.zip
    │ Cardi.zip
    │ Cards.zip
    │ Carnot.zip
    │ CarpetsInParallelogram.zip
    │ CarpetsInQuadri.zip
    │ CarpetsInQuadri2.zip
    │ CarpetsInSquare.zip
    │ CarpetsInSquare2.zip
    │ CarpetWithHole.zip
    │ CaseyTheorem.zip
    │ Cavalieri.zip
    │ cchanging.zip
    │ cCTKCycloid2.class
    │ CellCell.zip
    │ CenterCircle.zip
    │ CentralAnglesInCube.zip
    │ CentroidsInPolygon.zip
    │ CevaCradle.zip
    │ CevaInNgon.zip
    │ CevaNest.zip
    │ CevaPWW.zip
    │ CevianTriangle.zip
    │ chaos.zip
    │ Chasles.zip
    │ ChaslesTangents.zip
    │ Chebyshev.zip
    │ ChessTournament.zip
    │ chocolate.zip
    │ Chvatal.zip
    │ CID.zip
    │ CircleCenterByRuler.zip
    │ CircleCentersOnRadicalAxes.zip
    │ CircleDivision.zip
    │ CircleInIsoscelesTriangle.zip
    │ CircleOf6Circum.jar
    │ CircleOf6Circum.zip
    │ CircleOfSimilitude.zip
    │ CircleOfSimilitude1.zip
    │ CircleOnCevian.zip
    │ CirclesAndLimit.zip
    │ CirclesAndParallelogram.zip
    │ CirclesAndParallels.zip
    │ CirclesAndRegularTriangle.zip
    │ CirclesAndSquare.zip
    │ CirclesCoverQuadrilateral.zip
    │ CirclesInCirclesSangaku.zip
    │ CirclesInRegularPolygon.zip
    │ CirclesLinedOnTriSides.zip
    │ CirclesOnAChord.zip
    │ CirclesOnPerpBisector.zip
    │ CircleSquareCircle.zip
    │ CirclesThroughOrthocenter.zip
    │ CirclesWithEqualChords.zip
    │ CircleThroughCircumcenter.zip
    │ CircleThroughIncenter.zip
    │ CircleThroughIncenter2.zip
    │ CircleTriplet.zip
    │ CircleWithTwoCenters.zip
    │ CircularCardioid.class
    │ CircularPoggendorf.zip
    │ CircumcenterOnAngleBisector.zip
    │ CircumcircleInEqualSegments.zip
    │ CircumQuadri.zip
    │ CircumReflection.zip
    │ CircumSimson.zip
    │ Circumsogonal.zip
    │ CityBlockHunt.zip
    │ CityBlockHuntFromOutside.zip
    │ Cleaver.zip
    │ Clifford.zip
    │ CliffordTheorem.zip
    │ CloneEscape.zip
    │ CloseToHilbert.zip
    │ CLSFractal.zip
    │ CoaxalCircles.zip
    │ Coin.zip
    │ CoinChange.zip
    │ CoinsGame.zip
    │ Collatz.zip
    │ ColorGraph.zip
    │ CombiGem.zip
    │ CommonMultiples.zip
    │ CommonTangentSangaku.zip
    │ Comparable.class
    │ CompareFractions.zip
    │ CompareInterface.class
    │ CompareValues.class
    │ ComplexNumbers.zip
    │ ComplicatedParrondoGame.class
    │ Concurrency.zip
    │ ConditionalProbability.zip
    │ ConicSections.zip
    │ Conjugality.zip
    │ ConjugateDiameters.zip
    │ Connes.zip
    │ Constructible.zip
    │ ContinuedFraction.class
    │ ContinuousCurve.zip
    │ Contrast.zip
    │ Contrast2.zip
    │ Contrast3.zip
    │ Contrast4.zip
    │ ContrastII.zip
    │ ConwayCircle.zip
    │ Coordinates.zip
    │ CosineLaw.zip
    │ CosineLawUnfolded.zip
    │ CosLattice.zip
    │ counter.class
    │ CounterCoin.class
    │ Counting.zip
    │ CountingSquaresInSquare.zip
    │ CoupledImpossibleFork.zip
    │ CoxeterTangentCircles.zip
    │ CriticalPath.zip
    │ CrossCircle.zip
    │ CrossPoint.class
    │ CrowdedChair.zip
    │ CSolitaire.zip
    │ CTKAgebra.zip
    │ CTKAlgebra.cdb
    │ CTKAlgebra.zip
    │ CTKAxesDoub.class
    │ CTKBTree.zip
    │ CTKCubicSpline.zip
    │ CTKCyCanvas2.class
    │ CTKCycloid2.class
    │ CTKCyPanel.class
    │ CTKEllipse.zip
    │ CTKFormat.class
    │ CTKFormulaParser.zip
    │ CTKGeometry.zip
    │ CTKGeometryPlus.zip
    │ CTKGrid.zip
    │ CTKGroup.class
    │ CTKGroupElement.class
    │ CTKGroupEvent.class
    │ CTKGroupEventListener.class
    │ CTKImprint1.class
    │ CTKIntValue.class
    │ CTKMatrix.class
    │ CTKMoveable.class
    │ CTKMoveableDoub.class
    │ CTKMover.class
    │ CTKMover.zip
    │ CTKNumber.class
    │ CTKNumberCanvas.class
    │ CTKNumberDot.class
    │ CTKNumberHolder.class
    │ CTKNumberLim.class
    │ CTKNumberLimPar.class
    │ CTKNumberMod.class
    │ CTKOval.class
    │ CTKPGeometry.zip
    │ CTKPrimes.zip
    │ CTKShape3D.zip
    │ CTKShapes.zip
    │ CTKSoftwareImprint.class
    │ CTKThinking.class
    │ CTKUtility.zip
    │ CTKWinker.class
    │ CTKWord.class
    │ Cube7Cube8.zip
    │ CubeIllusion.zip
    │ CurryParadox.zip
    │ CutCube.zip
    │ CutCylinder.zip
    │ CWCrossedLines.zip
    │ CWCrossLines.zip
    │ cwidth.zip
    │ CWStar.zip
    │ CyclicHexagon.zip
    │ CyclicIncenters.zip
    │ CyclicQuadrilateral.zip
    │ cycloids.zip
    │ CyQuadri.zip
    │ Dale.zip
    │ DancingSquares.zip
    │ DateGame.zip
    │ DaveRicheson.zip
    │ DavidRadcliffe.zip
    │ DawsonChess.zip
    │ DawsonKayles.zip
    │ DecimalSeparator.class
    │ DecoSymmetry.zip
    │ DecoSymmetry2.zip
    │ DecoSymmetry3.zip
    │ DecoSymmetry4.zip
    │ Delboeuf.zip
    │ Delian.zip
    │ Desargues.zip
    │ Desert.zip
    │ DeTemple.zip
    │ deVilliers.zip
    │ deVilliers2.zip
    │ deVilliers3.zip
    │ deVilliers4.zip
    │ Diagonals.zip
    │ DiametersAndChords.zip
    │ DiametersInConcurrentCircles.zip
    │ Dijkstra.zip
    │ DirectlySimilar1.zip
    │ DirectlySimilar2.zip
    │ DissectCyclicQuadri.zip
    │ DistanceToLine.zip
    │ Distortion.zip
    │ DistributiveLaw.zip
    │ DivergentSpirals.zip
    │ Divisibility.zip
    │ DominoCovering.zip
    │ Dot.class
    │ DotItem.class
    │ DotsAndFractions.zip
    │ DoubCircle.class
    │ DoubComplex.class
    │ DoublePythLattice.zip
    │ DoubLine.class
    │ DoubPoint.class
    │ DoubPointSubscript.class
    │ DoubPointSubscriptNice.class
    │ DPoint.class
    │ drect.class
    │ DrozFarny.zip
    │ DrozFarnyCircles.zip
    │ DupontGarden.zip
    │ DynamicOfOrthodiagonalQuadrilateral.zip
    │ DynoEllipse.zip
    │ EAN13.zip
    │ eCTKCycloid2.class
    │ ecycloid.class
    │ EdgeDescription.class
    │ EdgeIllusion.zip
    │ EgyptianMultiplication.zip
    │ EightDigitPuzzle.jar
    │ EightDigitPuzzle.zip
    │ EightPointCircle.zip
    │ Elkies.zip
    │ EllipseBetweenCircles.zip
    │ EllipseByVanSchooten.zip
    │ EllipseDescrates.zip
    │ EllipseFocal.zip
    │ EllipseFocusDirectrix.zip
    │ EllipseInArbelos.zip
    │ Ellipser.zip
    │ EndActionEvent.class
    │ EndActionListener.class
    │ EnemyAmbassadors.zip
    │ EnvelopesInEllipse.zip
    │ Eppstein.zip
    │ EqualAnglesInCrossedCircles.zip
    │ EqualAnglesInCrossingCircles.zip
    │ EqualAnglesInTwoCircles.zip
    │ EqualAreasIMO2007.zip
    │ EqualAreasInEquilateralTriangle.zip
    │ EqualCirclesOrthocenter.zip
    │ EquiangularPoly.zip
    │ Equichordal.zip
    │ Equilateral345.zip
    │ EquilateralFibonacci.zip
    │ EquilateralOnLines.zip
    │ EquilateralTriangles.zip
    │ EquilicQuad.zip
    │ EquilocQuad1Tri.zip
    │ EquilocQuad2Tri.zip
    │ EquilocQuad2Tri120.zip
    │ EquiTriInRec.zip
    │ EquiTriOnPara.zip
    │ Eratosphenes.zip
    │ EscherCevaMenelaus.zip
    │ EschersTheorem.zip
    │ euclid.zip
    │ EuclidAlg.zip
    │ EuclidAlgorithm.zip
    │ EuclidI43.zip
    │ EuclidI43Extended.zip
    │ EuclidsSegmentDivision.zip
    │ EuilicQuad1Tri.zip
    │ Euler60.zip
    │ EulerAndFermat.zip
    │ EulerAndNapoleon.zip
    │ EulerCollinearity.zip
    │ EulerLines.zip
    │ EulerLineSimple.zip
    │ EulerNagelInQuad.zip
    │ EulerToEuler.zip
    │ EuricaCyclic.zip
    │ Evelyn.zip
    │ EvelynN.zip
    │ EveryTrapezoidIsPara.zip
    │ EvesExtension.zip
    │ ExistenceOfCircumcenter.zip
    │ ExMixtilinear.zip
    │ ExpandedIncircle.zip
    │ ExternalAngleBisector.zip
    │ Eyeball.zip
    │ Eyeball2.zip
    │ Factorization.zip
    │ Fagnano.zip
    │ FagnanoIII.zip
    │ FagnanoIV.zip
    │ FamilyStatistics.zip
    │ Farey.zip
    │ FCExercise.zip
    │ Fejer.zip
    │ FermatPoint.zip
    │ Feuerbach.zip
    │ FeuerbachIncidence.zip
    │ FeuerbachProof.zip
    │ FeuerbachTreasure.zip
    │ FFAngleInRightTriangle.zip
    │ Fibonacci.class
    │ FibonacciCheat.zip
    │ FibonacciDissection.jar
    │ FibonacciDissection.zip
    │ fif.jar
    │ fif.zip
    │ fifteen.zip
    │ FifteenBars.zip
    │ Figurate.zip
    │ FillCardioid.zip
    │ FillTheBoard.zip
    │ FirstProof.zip
    │ FiveCirclesInSquare.zip
    │ FiveConcyclicPoints.zip
    │ FixedPoint.zip
    │ FixedTangentPoint.zip
    │ flavius.zip
    │ Flipper.zip
    │ FlipThem.zip
    │ FlipThemII.zip
    │ FlipThemIII.zip
    │ FontAdjuster.class
    │ FootOfAltitude.zip
    │ ForcedCyclicQuad.zip
    │ FourAB.zip
    │ FourCentroids.zip
    │ FourCircleSangaku.zip
    │ FourCirclesInTriangle.zip
    │ FourCrossingCircles.zip
    │ FourFeetOnBisectors.zip
    │ FourGriffiths.zip
    │ FourIncidentCircles.zip
    │ FourIncircles.zip
    │ FourIncirclesInTriangle.zip
    │ FourNPCircles.zip
    │ FourPedalCircles.zip
    │ FourPegs.zip
    │ FourSimsons.zip
    │ FourSquaresFromTemple.zip
    │ FourthDegree.zip
    │ FourTouchingCircles.zip
    │ FourTouchingCircles3.zip
    │ FourTravellers.zip
    │ FourTurtles.zip
    │ FractionComparisonExercise.zip
    │ FractionGame.zip
    │ Fractions.zip
    │ Frieze.zip
    │ FrogsAndToads.jar
    │ FrogsAndToads.zip
    │ FrogsAndToads2D.jar
    │ From500.zip
    │ From500_2.zip
    │ From7.zip
    │ FromGrebe.zip
    │ FullHouse.zip
    │ FunnySquare.zip
    │ Fuss.zip
    │ Futurama.zip
    │ GCD.class
    │ GCDByBTree.zip
    │ GcdLcm.zip
    │ GenCon.zip
    │ GeneralNapoleon.zip
    │ GenFT.zip
    │ GeoFallacy.zip
    │ GeoSDoub.class
    │ GergonneAndSoddy.zip
    │ GergonneInEllipse.zip
    │ GergonneMagic.zip
    │ GergonneMedial.zip
    │ GivenCommonChord.zip
    │ GladConstruction.zip
    │ GlideReflection.zip
    │ GoodLimit.zip
    │ GothicArc.zip
    │ Graph.class
    │ GraphNode.class
    │ GraphPractice.zip
    │ Gray.zip
    │ Grebe.zip
    │ Griffiths.zip
    │ GriffithsCollinearity.zip
    │ Grunbaum.zip
    │ Grundy.zip
    │ gselect.class
    │ guess.zip
    │ HalfAreaOfQuadrilateral.zip
    │ HalfAreaOfQuadrilateral2.zip
    │ HalfPlaneTest.zip
    │ HalfTurn.zip
    │ Hanner.zip
    │ hanoi.zip
    │ Hanoi3c.zip
    │ Hanoing.zip
    │ happy8.zip
    │ HarmonicMean.zip
    │ HarmonicMeanSangaku.zip
    │ HarmonicRatio.zip
    │ HartCircle.zip
    │ HartInversor.zip
    │ Haruki.zip
    │ HatzipolakisTriangle.zip
    │ Heaver.zip
    │ HeringIllusion.zip
    │ Hermann.zip
    │ Heron.zip
    │ HeronsFormula.zip
    │ Hex7.zip
    │ HexDesign.zip
    │ HexDesignPartition.zip
    │ HexTheory.zip
    │ HH.zip
    │ HIAI019.zip
    │ HiddenWord.zip
    │ hilbert.zip
    │ HingedDissectionOfVase.zip
    │ HingedNapoleon.zip
    │ HingedPtolemy.zip
    │ HingedPythagoras.zip
    │ HingedPythagoras2.zip
    │ HingedPythagoras3.zip
    │ HingedTessellation1.zip
    │ HingedTessellation2.zip
    │ Hippocrates.zip
    │ HjelmslevTheorem.zip
    │ HMoveable.class
    │ Homothety.zip
    │ HooperParadox.zip
    │ HornerMethod.zip
    │ Horse.zip
    │ Hounds.zip
    │ HubertsDissection.zip
    │ HuygensPyth.zip
    │ Hyperboloid.zip
    │ Hypocycloid.class
    │ ifs.zip
    │ Illusion.zip
    │ Illusion2.zip
    │ IMO1959_5.zip
    │ IMO1984_4.zip
    │ IMO1986_3.zip
    │ ImpossibleTrinomial.zip
    │ InAndCircumcenter.zip
    │ InAndCircumcenterB.zip
    │ InAndCircumcenterC.zip
    │ InAndCircumcenterD.zip
    │ IncircleAndMidpoints.zip
    │ IncircleInSegment.zip
    │ IncircleInSegment1.zip
    │ IncircleInSegment2.zip
    │ IncirclesCircumcircles.zip
    │ IncirclesInQuadri.zip
    │ index.shtml
    │ Indy.zip
    │ InExCircum.zip
    │ InExParalellogram.zip
    │ InfiniteLatin.zip
    │ InradiusSemiperimeter.zip
    │ InscribedAngle.zip
    │ InscribedAngles.zip
    │ InscribedQuadri.zip
    │ InscribedSquare.zip
    │ InscribedSquare2.zip
    │ InscriptibleQuadri.zip
    │ InsideTest.class
    │ InTangent.zip
    │ IntegerFractal.zip
    │ IntegerRectangle.zip
    │ IntegerSine.zip
    │ IntegerString.class
    │ Integration.zip
    │ Interest.zip
    │ IntIter.jar
    │ IntIter.zip
    │ IntIter2.zip
    │ IntouchMedians.zip
    │ IntRectGraph.zip
    │ IntRectRobinson.zip
    │ IntRectWinkler.zip
    │ Invariant.zip
    │ Inversion.class
    │ Inversion2.zip
    │ InversionDemo.zip
    │ InversionInArbelos.zip
    │ InversionInCircleAndIsosceles.zip
    │ InversionInCircleAndIsosceles2.zip
    │ invert.zip
    │ InvisiblePoly.class
    │ InvLine.class
    │ ISBN.zip
    │ IsogonalTangents.zip
    │ Isoperimetric.zip
    │ IsoscelesOnSides.zip
    │ IsoscelesTriangleInCircle.zip
    │ IsoscelesTrianglesInCyclicQuadrilateral.zip
    │ IsoSimpson.zip
    │ ItemParity.zip
    │ ItemParity2.zip
    │ IterationsOnParabola.zip
    │ j3dcore.jar
    │ j3dutils.jar
    │ Jam.zip
    │ Java3D.zip
    │ javaview.jar
    │ JChangingColors.zip
    │ JCriticalPath.zip
    │ JCTKUtility.zip
    │ Jefferson.zip
    │ Jess40.jar
    │ JessSticks.zip
    │ JEuclidGame.zip
    │ JKeech.zip
    │ JLAyme.zip
    │ JohnSharpParadox.zip
    │ JohnsonCircles.zip
    │ JohnsonTrotter.zip
    │ JPowerIndices.zip
    │ JuddIllusion.zip
    │ julia.zip
    │ jvx.jar
    │ jvxGeom.jar
    │ Kaprekar.zip
    │ Kardemsky.zip
    │ Kayles.zip
    │ KurschakTile.jar
    │ KurschakTile.zip
    │ Lagrange.zip
    │ LaHire.zip
    │ LaHireOnEllipse.zip
    │ LangfordSequence.zip
    │ LangmanParadox.zip
    │ Last.shtml
    │ Latin.zip
    │ LatticeMultiplication.zip
    │ LCarroll.zip
    │ LCGame.zip
    │ LCM.zip
    │ LebesgueCurve.zip
    │ LeibnitzTriangle.zip
    │ Lemma.zip
    │ Lemoine.zip
    │ LemoineGen.zip
    │ LemoineHomothety.jar
    │ LemoineHomothety.zip
    │ LensesInTriangle.zip
    │ Leprechaun.zip
    │ Leprechauns.zip
    │ LetterCounting.zip
    │ Life.zip
    │ LifeG.zip
    │ LightBulbs.zip
    │ LightHouse.zip
    │ Limacon.zip
    │ LinearFunc.zip
    │ LineCircleAndFixedPoints.zip
    │ LineID.class
    │ LineOfPoints.class
    │ lines.zip
    │ LineThroughGrid.zip
    │ LminoRect.zip
    │ LocusCircle.zip
    │ LogisticModel.zip
    │ LoneDivider.zip
    │ LongHanoi.zip
    │ LongMultiplication.zip
    │ Looping.zip
    │ LoopOrHalt.zip
    │ lucky7.zip
    │ LuckySieve.zip
    │ MacLaurinConics.zip
    │ MagicInSquare.zip
    │ MaimedCake.zip
    │ MakeMove.zip
    │ MakeUpIdentity.zip
    │ Malfatti.zip
    │ MalfattiZoom.zip
    │ MandelClass.zip
    │ MandelCycle.zip
    │ ManyCircles.zip
    │ Markers.zip
    │ Markowsky2.zip
    │ MarkowskyParabola.zip
    │ Marriage.zip
    │ Mastermind.zip
    │ MathPro.zip
    │ MathTelepathy.zip
    │ MaxCommonChord.zip
    │ MaxCommonChord2.zip
    │ MaxCommonChord3.zip
    │ MaxCommonChord4.zip
    │ MaxCommonChord5.zip
    │ MaxCommonChord6.zip
    │ Maxwell.zip
    │ Mazes.zip
    │ McGee.zip
    │ McWorter.zip
    │ McWorter2.zip
    │ Means.zip
    │ MedialNagel.zip
    │ MedialOrhocenter.zip
    │ MedialParallel.zip
    │ MedianTriangle.zip
    │ Memory.zip
    │ MemoryWheel.zip
    │ Menelaus.zip
    │ MenelausBisector.zip
    │ MenelausFromCeva.zip
    │ MenelausProof.zip
    │ Merlin.zip
    │ Merlin4x4.zip
    │ Merlin5x5.zip
    │ MethodOfMarkers.zip
    │ MidlineInSimTris.zip
    │ midpoints.zip
    │ MidpointsInIsoscelesTriangle.zip
    │ MindReader.zip
    │ MindReaderNine.zip
    │ MinkowskiAddition.zip
    │ MinMax.zip
    │ Miquel.zip
    │ MiquelTheoremForCircles.zip
    │ Mirabilis.zip
    │ MirrorSize.zip
    │ MirrorSphere.zip
    │ MissedBottema.zip
    │ MIUsystem.zip
    │ MixedStrategies.zip
    │ MixtilinearConcurrence.zip
    │ MixtilinearConstruction.zip
    │ MixtilinearLike.zip
    │ MixtilinearSangaku.zip
    │ MixtilinearSangaku3.zip
    │ MMover.class
    │ MMParallel.zip
    │ ModernMathGraphs.zip
    │ ModernMathsLib.zip
    │ Modulo.zip
    │ Moebius.zip
    │ MongeDesargues.zip
    │ MongeTheorem.zip
    │ MontyHall.zip
    │ MorePascal.zip
    │ MoreSimilarTriangles.zip
    │ MoreyPythagoras.zip
    │ Morley.zip
    │ MorleyCardi.zip
    │ MorleyCircles.zip
    │ MorleyConc.zip
    │ MorleyFinal.zip
    │ MorleyHypo.zip
    │ MorleyZsolt.zip
    │ mouseTracker.class
    │ Moveable.class
    │ MoveableChip.class
    │ MoveableCircle.class
    │ MoveableDot.class
    │ MoveableLattice.class
    │ MoveableLine$Format.class
    │ MoveableLine.class
    │ MoveableLineAdvanced.class
    │ MoveableNicePoint.class
    │ MoveablePic.class
    │ MoveablePoint.class
    │ MoveablePoly.class
    │ MoveableWord.class
    │ Mover.class
    │ Moving.class
    │ MovingInpairs.zip
    │ MovingNumDot.class
    │ movingring.class
    │ MPoint.class
    │ MPointOnLine.class
    │ MSTResource.properties
    │ Muller.zip
    │ MultiBaseInteger.class
    │ MultifacetCork.zip
    │ Multiplication.zip
    │ MVT.zip
    │ n-mino.txt
    │ NagelLine.zip
    │ NagelPoint.zip
    │ NapFromProp.zip
    │ NapFromProp1.zip
    │ NapGen.zip
    │ Napier.zip
    │ Napolegon.zip
    │ Napoleon.zip
    │ NapoleonBollobas.zip
    │ NapoleonByTransformation.zip
    │ NapoleonProperties.zip
    │ NapoleonRelative.zip
    │ NapoleonSmyth.zip
    │ NBallsAtBottom.zip
    │ NBottleColoring.zip
    │ NCircleParts.zip
    │ NCircleRack.zip
    │ Necker.zip
    │ NegPosSum.zip
    │ NeubergSangaku.zip
    │ NewtonConics.zip
    │ NewtonsMethod.zip
    │ NewtonTheorem.zip
    │ NGonIterations.zip
    │ Nians.zip
    │ Nimble.zip
    │ NinePointBradley.zip
    │ NinePointCircle.zip
    │ NinePointCircleSimple.zip
    │ NineSquares.zip
    │ Nobbs.zip
    │ NoEquilateralTriangles.zip
    │ NoLimit.zip
    │ NonParallelogram.zip
    │ NoPedalCollinearity.zip
    │ NoRegularPentagon.zip
    │ NoRegularPentagon2.zip
    │ Northcott.zip
    │ NoSilverDollar.zip
    │ NSquared.zip
    │ NumberChangeEvent.class
    │ NumberChangeListener.class
    │ Numbers01.zip
    │ NumDot.class
    │ ObtuseTriangle.zip
    │ OccludedWheel.zip
    │ OccluderImportance.zip
    │ OctagonByOverlap.zip
    │ OctagonInParallelogram.zip
    │ OddScoring.zip
    │ OddSum.zip
    │ OET.zip
    │ OldPuzzle.zip
    │ OnePile.zip
    │ OneThirdNapoleon.zip
    │ OperationsOnFunctions.zip
    │ OrthicAxis.zip
    │ OrthicHex.zip
    │ OrthicMirrorInCircle.zip
    │ OrthoAndRadicalCenter.zip
    │ OrthoBisector.zip
    │ OrthocentersInTwoTriangles.zip
    │ OrthoCircleTriad.zip
    │ OrthoCircum.zip
    │ OrthoCircumOrtho.zip
    │ Orthodiagonal2.zip
    │ OrthodiagonalQuadri.zip
    │ OrthoLatin.zip
    │ OrthologicPedal.zip
    │ OrthologicQuadri.zip
    │ Orthopole.zip
    │ OrthoReflections.zip
    │ OrthoSlant.zip
    │ OrthoSystemInRect.zip
    │ ot.zip
    │ OtherPrimes.zip
    │ OtherTwins.zip
    │ OuterButterfly.zip
    │ PairsOfHomologousLines.zip
    │ Pantogram.zip
    │ Pappus.zip
    │ PappusDual.zip
    │ PappusPyth.zip
    │ ParaAndAngleBisector.zip
    │ ParaAndSimTry.zip
    │ ParabolaEnvelope.zip
    │ ParabolaFocal.zip
    │ ParabolaLambert.zip
    │ ParabolaMesh.zip
    │ ParabolaMirror.zip
    │ ParabolicMirror.zip
    │ ParaCarpets.zip
    │ ParaCarpets1.zip
    │ ParaForQuadri.zip
    │ ParaFromTri.zip
    │ Parahexagon.zip
    │ ParaInParaCarpet.zip
    │ ParaInTriangle.zip
    │ ParallelChords.zip
    │ ParallelChords2.zip
    │ ParallelChordsInEllipse.zip
    │ ParallelLinesInCrossingCircles.zip
    │ ParallelogramIdentity.zip
    │ ParallelogramIllusion.zip
    │ ParallelogramIterations.zip
    │ ParallelogramLaw.zip
    │ ParallelogramLawIn4.zip
    │ ParallelsInTriangle.zip
    │ ParallelsThroughPoint.zip
    │ ParallelToBase.zip
    │ ParaNgon.zip
    │ Parpolygon.zip
    │ Parrondo.zip
    │ Pascal.zip
    │ PascalConics.zip
    │ PascalInEllipse.zip
    │ PascalInQuadrilateral.zip
    │ PascalIterations.zip
    │ PascalLines.zip
    │ PascalTriangle.zip
    │ PaTorusKnot.zip
    │ Patruno.zip
    │ Patterns.zip
    │ Peano.zip
    │ PeanoComplete.zip
    │ PeasantMultiplication.zip
    │ PedalReflection.zip
    │ PedoeTheorem.zip
    │ pegsolitaire.zip
    │ PendulaChaos.zip
    │ PentagonInSemicircle.zip
    │ Perigal.zip
    │ Perm.zip
    │ PermByTrans.zip
    │ PermGroup.zip
    │ PermOnCircle.zip
    │ PermProduct.zip
    │ Permutation.class
    │ PerpBiInQuadri.zip
    │ PerpBisector.zip
    │ PerpBisectPoly.zip
    │ PerpBisectQuadri.zip
    │ PerpIndiameter.zip
    │ Perspective2.zip
    │ PerspectiveIllusion.zip
    │ PhantomCircle.zip
    │ PHQCollinearity.zip
    │ Pick.zip
    │ PickLabel.zip
    │ PigeonCheckers.zip
    │ Pigeonhole.zip
    │ Pin.class
    │ Pitot.zip
    │ Pivot.zip
    │ Pizza.zip
    │ PizzaPanel.class
    │ PlainButterfly.zip
    │ PlainGraphResource.properties
    │ Plainim.zip
    │ PlainMontyHall.zip
    │ PlayHexDesign.zip
    │ plugin.jar
    │ pm.zip
    │ Poggendorff.zip
    │ PointOnLine.class
    │ PolarCircle.zip
    │ PolePolar.zip
    │ PolePolarTriangle.zip
    │ PolesPolars.zip
    │ PolyAddition.zip
    │ PolygonalNumbers.zip
    │ PolygonToTriangle.zip
    │ PolynomialDegree3.zip
    │ PolynomialRoots.zip
    │ PolynomialTest.zip
    │ PolyStar.zip
    │ Pompeiu.zip
    │ Pompeiu2.zip
    │ Poncelet.zip
    │ Poncelet3E.zip
    │ Poncelet3H.zip
    │ PonceletChain.zip
    │ PonceletInEllipse.zip
    │ Ponzo.zip
    │ PonzoII.zip
    │ PoPCollinearity.zip
    │ PossibleImpossible.zip
    │ PowerAndAltitudes.zip
    │ PowerIndex.zip
    │ PowerIndices.zip
    │ PrettiestFourSquares.zip
    │ PrimesFromTriangle.zip
    │ ProblemWithReflections.zip
    │ ProductInEllipse.zip
    │ ProductOfFractions.zip
    │ ProizvolovBrainteaser.zip
    │ ProizvolovGame.jar
    │ ProizvolovGame.zip
    │ ProjectedPoly.zip
    │ Projective45.zip
    │ ProjectiveMaxwell.zip
    │ ProjectiveProblemWithCircles.zip
    │ ProjectiveQuadri.zip
    │ Propeller.zip
    │ Propeller2.zip
    │ PropellerTiling.zip
    │ PTOHI120.zip
    │ PunchLine.zip
    │ pvCTK.zip
    │ pvDates.jar
    │ pvEdits.jar
    │ pvTab.jar
    │ pvTable.jar
    │ PyhtI47PWW.zip
    │ Pyth30.zip
    │ Pyth301.zip
    │ Pyth36.zip
    │ Pyth361.zip
    │ Pyth69PWW.zip
    │ Pyth72PWW.zip
    │ Pythag$MyMouse.class
    │ Pythag.class
    │ PythAG.zip
    │ PythagorasBySimilarity.zip
    │ PythagorasWithVectenInJapan.zip
    │ PythagoreanLune.zip
    │ PythagoreanSegmentDivision.zip
    │ PythBySwivel.zip
    │ PythDroodle.zip
    │ PythFromBottema.zip
    │ PythFromRing.zip
    │ PythHexLattice.zip
    │ PythI47PWWUnfolded.zip
    │ PythInPara.zip
    │ PythLattice.jar
    │ PythLattice.zip
    │ PythLoomis25G.zip
    │ PythLoomis27G.zip
    │ PythTrip.zip
    │ PythTripleCalculator.zip
    │ QuadraticEquation.class
    │ QuadraticPolynomial.zip
    │ QuadraticRoots.zip
    │ Quadri.zip
    │ QuadriH.zip
    │ Quadrilaterals.zip
    │ QuadriThreeEqSides.zip
    │ QuadTessellation.zip
    │ RABH.zip
    │ RadicalAxesInTriangle.zip
    │ RadicalAxis.zip
    │ RadicalCenter.zip
    │ RadicalInButterfly.zip
    │ RadicalTangent.zip
    │ RadiusByPaperFolding.zip
    │ RaisinGame.zip
    │ RandomWalk.zip
    │ Ratchet.jar
    │ Ratchet.zip
    │ RealCrossTessellation.zip
    │ RectangleToSquare.zip
    │ ReferenceFrame.class
    │ Reflection.zip
    │ ReflectionInEllipse.zip
    │ ReflectionInPedal.zip
    │ ReflectionPrinciple.zip
    │ RegularCardioid.class
    │ Rendezvous.zip
    │ Represent.zip
    │ ReverseDesert.zip
    │ ReversedWalk.zip
    │ ReverseSpokes.zip
    │ RevolvingCircles.zip
    │ RFWH.jar
    │ RFWH.zip
    │ RhombiRhombi.zip
    │ RhombusInCyclicQuadri.zip
    │ RightAngle.zip
    │ RightAngle2.zip
    │ RightInEquilateral.zip
    │ RightInEquilateral2.zip
    │ RightReplacement.zip
    │ RightTriangle.class
    │ RightTrianglesSameBase.zip
    │ ring.class
    │ RIsoscelesOnQuadri.zip
    │ Romb3dPuzzle.zip
    │ RotatingPoly.class
    │ Rotation.zip
    │ RotationTransform.zip
    │ Rote.zip
    │ Roussel.zip
    │ RowColumnSwap.zip
    │ RPolynomial.class
    │ RPolynomialTest.zip
    │ rsolitaire.zip
    │ RustyCompass.zip
    │ S1089.zip
    │ SafeDraw.class
    │ SamLoydSon.zip
    │ SangakuIterations.zip
    │ SardConstruction.zip
    │ Scale.class
    │ SchwarzLantern.zip
    │ ScintillatingGrid.zip
    │ Scoring.zip
    │ ScoringMisere.zip
    │ ScoringMisere2.zip
    │ ScrubTile.zip
    │ sct.zip
    │ SealedBids.zip
    │ SealedBidsApplet.zip
    │ SecantAndTangents2.zip
    │ SecantAngle.zip
    │ SecantNormalTangent.zip
    │ SeeSaw.zip
    │ SegmentTrisection.zip
    │ SelfDescriptive.zip
    │ Semicircles.zip
    │ SequencesSquare.zip
    │ SerendipitousBeauty.zip
    │ SevenCirclesTheorem.zip
    │ SG.class
    │ Shadow.zip
    │ ShearTransform.zip
    │ Shepard.zip
    │ ShortShuttle.zip
    │ ShowAngle.class
    │ Shutrick.zip
    │ ShutrickSimson.zip
    │ ShuttleLib.zip
    │ ShuttlePuzzle.zip
    │ SierpinskiChaosGame.zip
    │ SierpinskiCurve.zip
    │ SierpinskiGasket.zip
    │ SierpinskiGasketAddressing.zip
    │ SierpinskiTremas.zip
    │ SilverDollar.zip
    │ SimilarTriangles.zip
    │ Simmer.zip
    │ SimpleAutomaton.zip
    │ SimpleGraphs.zip
    │ SimpleMoveable.class
    │ SimpleMoveablePic.class
    │ SimplePascal.zip
    │ SimpleSomos.zip
    │ Simpson.zip
    │ SimpsonParadox.zip
    │ SimpsonParrondo.zip
    │ SimRect.zip
    │ SimTri.zip
    │ SineCosine.zip
    │ SineIllusion.zip
    │ SineInRhombus.zip
    │ SixConcyclicPoints.zip
    │ SixConcyclicPoints2.zip
    │ SixIncircles.zip
    │ SixPointCircle.zip
    │ SixPointsThreeLines.zip
    │ SixTo9PointCircle.zip
    │ SixtyNinety.zip
    │ Skyscrapers.zip
    │ SlantedRack.zip
    │ sliders.zip
    │ Sliding.zip
    │ SocialChoice.zip
    │ Soroban.jar
    │ Soroban.zip
    │ Sort.class
    │ SortAnim.class
    │ SortedVector.class
    │ SortedVectorCI.class
    │ SortedVectorOfEdges.class
    │ Sorts.zip
    │ SoupFish.jar
    │ SoupFish.zip
    │ SperanzaPyth.zip
    │ Sperner.zip
    │ Spieker.zip
    │ SpigotForPi.zip
    │ SpiralIllusion.zip
    │ SpiralSim.zip
    │ SpiralSimilarity.zip
    │ SplineTest.zip
    │ SqFromSq.zip
    │ SqOnQuadri.zip
    │ SqStrFSM.zip
    │ Square.zip
    │ SquareAndTrapezoid.zip
    │ SquareCircleSquare.zip
    │ SquareInChair.zip
    │ SquareInQuadrilateral.zip
    │ SquareInRightTriangle.zip
    │ SquareRectangle.zip
    │ SquaresAndTrianglesFromJapan.zip
    │ SquareSieve.zip
    │ SquaresInArbelos.zip
    │ SRotation.class
    │ SRotations.class
    │ StaircaseIlluson.zip
    │ StarAndCircle.zip
    │ SteinerChain.zip
    │ SteinerPorism.zip
    │ SteinhausProblem.zip
    │ Stereo.zip
    │ StereographicProjection.zip
    │ sticks.clp
    │ StickyProblem.zip
    │ StraightEdgePolar.zip
    │ StraightLinesInCircle.zip
    │ StringFSM.zip
    │ Strings.zip
    │ StructuralConstellation.zip
    │ SuanPan.jar
    │ SuanPan.zip
    │ Subtraction.zip
    │ SumOfArctangents.zip
    │ SwitchingSigns.zip
    │ Sym2Antiparallel.zip
    │ SymAntiparallel.zip
    │ Symmedian.zip
    │ SymmedianAltitude.zip
    │ SymmetricFunctions.class
    │ SymmetryInCircle.zip
    │ SysTable.zip
    │ SystTable.zip
    │ TableToZeroGame.zip
    │ TacTix.zip
    │ TangentAndChord.zip
    │ TangentAndEquilateralTriangle.zip
    │ TangentAndSecant.zip
    │ TangentCups.zip
    │ TangentGeoMean.zip
    │ TangentLinesAndCircles.zip
    │ Tangents.class
    │ TangentsAndDiagonals.zip
    │ TangentToEllipse.zip
    │ TangentToTwoCircles.zip
    │ TangentTriangleToEllipse.zip
    │ TangentTwoCirclesI.zip
    │ TangentTwoCirclesII.zip
    │ TerquemTheorem.zip
    │ Tesseract.zip
    │ Thebault1.zip
    │ Thebault2.zip
    │ Thebault3.zip
    │ Thebault3Proof.zip
    │ Thebault4.zip
    │ ThreeCirclesAndCeva.zip
    │ ThreeCirclesInCircularSegment.zip
    │ ThreeCirclesThroughIncenter.zip
    │ ThreeConcurrentCircles.zip
    │ ThreeConcurrentPerpendiculars.zip
    │ ThreeEqualCircles.zip
    │ ThreeHomologousLines.zip
    │ ThreeIncirclesInRightTriangle.zip
    │ ThreeInOne.zip
    │ ThreeIsoscelesTriangles.zip
    │ ThreeOrthogonalCircles.zip
    │ ThreeOrThree.zip
    │ ThreeParabolaTangents.zip
    │ ThreeParallelsInTriangle.zip
    │ ThreePegInvariant.zip
    │ ThreePiecesDissection.zip
    │ ThreePointIterationsOnCircle.zip
    │ ThreePolars.zip
    │ ThreePyramids.zip
    │ ThreeReflections.zip
    │ ThreeSimilarPolygons.zip
    │ ThreeSimilarTriangles.zip
    │ ThreeSquares.zip
    │ ThreeTangentCircles.zip
    │ ThreeTangents2.zip
    │ ThreeTangentsPtolemy.zip
    │ ThreeTouchingCircles.zip
    │ ThroughCircumcenter.zip
    │ ThroughOrthocenter.zip
    │ TickerSim.class
    │ ToothpickConstruction.zip
    │ TopIllusion.zip
    │ TouchingCircles.zip
    │ TouchingCirclesAndConcurrency.zip
    │ TouchPoint.zip
    │ TransExample.zip
    │ TranslateCircle.zip
    │ TranslatedTriangles.zip
    │ Translation.zip
    │ Tremas.zip
    │ Tri.jar
    │ Tri.zip
    │ Triangle.zip
    │ TriangleChain.zip
    │ TriangleRectangle.zip
    │ Triangles.zip
    │ TriangulationDual.zip
    │ TriBilliard.zip
    │ tricky.zip
    │ TrickyQuickie.zip
    │ TriCount.zip
    │ Tridiagonal.class
    │ TriDiagram.zip
    │ TrigCeva.zip
    │ TrigFunctions.zip
    │ TriggTromino.zip
    │ TriIteration.zip
    │ TripolarOptimization.zip
    │ TriPrelim.zip
    │ TriPrelim2.zip
    │ TriProbability.zip
    │ TriProbCartesian.zip
    │ Tromino.zip
    │ Tromino2.zip
    │ TrominoPuzzle.zip
    │ TrominoPuzzleN.zip
    │ TroMonomino.zip
    │ tt.zip
    │ TTTS.zip
    │ TTTSinEllipse.zip
    │ TuckerCircles.zip
    │ TwistedCord.zip
    │ TwoAltitudesOneMidpoint.zip
    │ TwoButterflies.zip
    │ TwoButterflies2.zip
    │ TwoButterflies3.zip
    │ TwoCircleFamilies.zip
    │ TwoCircles.zip
    │ TwoCirclesAndParallels.zip
    │ TwoCirclesByReflection.zip
    │ TwoCirclesInParallelogram.zip
    │ TwoCirclesInSquare.zip
    │ TwoCirclesInThirdSangaku.zip
    │ TwoCircumcirclesInTriangle.zip
    │ TwoColorColoring.zip
    │ TwoColorSolitaire.zip
    │ TwoColorsOnCircle.zip
    │ TwoEllipsesThreeSquares.zip
    │ TwoEquilateralBumps.zip
    │ TwoEquilateralTriangles.zip
    │ TwoFallacies.zip
    │ TwoHomothetiesInPara.zip
    │ TwoIntersectingCircles.zip
    │ TwoLinePencils.zip
    │ TwoLinesTwoCircles.zip
    │ TwoMonks.zip
    │ TwoNumbers.zip
    │ TwoPairsOfParallelsInQuadrilateral.zip
    │ TwoParallelograms.zip
    │ TwoQuadris.zip
    │ TwoRectangles.zip
    │ TwoSegmentsInArbelos.zip
    │ TwoSquareInRightTriangle.zip
    │ TwoStickStart.zip
    │ TwoTangentCirclesInPara.zip
    │ TwoToThree.zip
    │ TwoTouchingCircles.zip
    │ TwoTrapezoids.zip
    │ TwoTriangles.zip
    │ UnexpectedAngleBisector.zip
    │ UnexpectedMedian.zip
    │ UnionOfTwoSquares.zip
    │ UniversalColoring.zip
    │ UnknownSangaku.zip
    │ UpAndDown.zip
    │ UpAndDownGame.zip
    │ UPC.zip
    │ UsefulExtra.zip
    │ ValueCarrier.class
    │ vanLamoen.zip
    │ VariableTangentSangaku.zip
    │ Varignon.zip
    │ vecmath.jar
    │ Vecten.zip
    │ VectenCollinearity.zip
    │ VectenMesh.zip
    │ VectenNikolin.zip
    │ VectenPoints.zip
    │ VectorOfMoveableDoub.class
    │ Venn.zip
    │ VeryTiles.zip
    │ ViewP.zip
    │ ViewPolyhedra.zip
    │ Viviani.zip
    │ VivianiIsosceles.zip
    │ VivianiPWW.zip
    │ Vjecsner.zip
    │ VMoveable.class
    │ Voting.zip
    │ VPoint.class
    │ WallisComplex.zip
    │ Water.zip
    │ Watt.zip
    │ Webster.zip
    │ Weitzenbock.zip
    │ WellsTessellation.zip
    │ WGraphs.zip
    │ withoff.zip
    │ Wittenbauer.zip
    │ WProblem.zip
    │ WS_FTP.LOG
    │ WundtBlock.zip
    │ WundtIllusion.zip
    │ WythoffNim.zip
    │ Yiu.zip
    │ YTheory.zip
    │ Zaslavsky.zip
    │ ZerosAndNines.zip
    │ Zollner.zip

    │ FourByFour.zip
    │ instructions.txt
    │ scores.txt

    │ BigGoat.gif
    │ BlueButton.gif
    │ BlueHorse.gif
    │ ButtonOff.gif
    │ ButtonOn.gif
    │ cabbage.gif
    │ cab_d.gif
    │ car.gif
    │ cross.gif
    │ Dime.gif
    │ dn.gif
    │ earth.gif
    │ farmer.gif
    │ frog.gif
    │ goat.gif
    │ goat_d.gif
    │ hen.gif
    │ Hex7Board.gif
    │ Hex7Marble.gif
    │ Leprechauns.gif
    │ NiceCar.gif
    │ Nickel.gif
    │ not.gif
    │ ok.gif
    │ Penny.gif
    │ Quarter.gif
    │ RedHorse.gif
    │ rooster.gif
    │ SixToFive.gif
    │ TacTixBoard.gif
    │ TacTixCounter.gif
    │ TacTixCounter1.gif
    │ toad.gif
    │ Toon.gif
    │ Treasure.gif
    │ up.gif
    │ wife.gif
    │ wolf.gif
    │ WS_FTP.LOG


    --- Update ---

    So yes, CTKImprint1.class exists. But I suspect there may well be many other dependencies, but I don't know which. Maybe I can build a .jar just from the loose .class files and the .class files in the folder for an applet I want, after unzipping it, somehow, bearing in mind I have no idea what to put in the manifest file...?

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Procedure for running application consisting solely of. class files

    Why do you think anything useful will come from that huge list of files?
    Where did you get the link to where those files were stored?
    Was there any useful info provided on what to do with all those files?

    an applet I want
    Applets are not supported in any browsers.

    no idea what to put in the manifest file...?
    There is no easy way to tell that. Can you ask the author?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Procedure for running application consisting solely of. class files

    The author gives the impression the applets are runnable offline, on this page: https://www.cut-the-knot.org/HelpWithJava.shtml

    Alex's Java code is being made available at CutTheKnot-Java on GitHub. This location has a zip of the site's Java classes directory.

    As an example, to access the Java applet once used in Napier Bones in Various Bases, a look at the page source gives a line applet code='Napier'. The classes directory has Napier.zip. Running that Java code should give an image like the following:... (image of applet...)

    I have tried to contact him, but no joy. "Running that code" sounds so simple...

  10. #10
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Procedure for running application consisting solely of. class files

    To run an applet requires an html file with the correct parameters for the applet.
    Do you have any of the html files?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Procedure for running application consisting solely of. class files

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    To run an applet requires an html file with the correct parameters for the applet.
    Do you have any of the html files?
    I'm confused by the question. I thought I had been quite clear in my description of the situation. I.e I innocently followed the information on https://www.cut-the-knot.org/HelpWithJava.shtml that suggested I could "run the code" for an applet contained in the linked repo.

    I have shown the contents of the repo, and it is clear there are no HTML files in it.

    The only way I could get some kind of HTML file would be to download the page with the applet I want from the website. The "instructions" as they are don't suggest doing this.

    Am I expected to somehow make the live website maybe interact with the downloaded files maybe?

    As I said before, I think the only way someone can help me with this is to follow the same apparent trap I did when I did what was suggested at https://www.cut-the-knot.org/HelpWithJava.shtml , find their way out of the trap and tell me how they did it. I have no more information than what I have been given on that page.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Procedure for running application consisting solely of. class files

    download the page with the applet I want from the website.
    Yes, I think that you need to do that.

    Here is what I have found so far:
    Create a folder named CutTheKnot
    unzip and copy the classes folder into the CutTheKnot folder
    download the desired html file with the applet into the CutTheKnot folder.
    Edit the html file, find the applet tag and change the codebase entry to contain only classes
    <applet code="Napier" width=560 height=420 codebase="classes" archive="Napier.zip,CTKUtility.zip,CTKGeometry.zip ,CTKAlgebra.zip,pvEdits.jar,Napier.zip">
    Create a batch file with the path to the Appletviewer.exe program followed by the html filename:
    "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin\appletviewer.exe" Napier.html
    Then execute the batch file to execute Appletviewer that will read the html and execute the applet.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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    Default Re: Procedure for running application consisting solely of. class files

    Wow, it actually works!

    Just a few teething problems like PowerShell not accepting paths with spaces etc. But I used CMD and actually have the applet I wanted working. It is a thing of beauty.


    Many thanks for your patience and help.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Procedure for running application consisting solely of. class files

    Glad you got it working.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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    Default Re: Procedure for running application consisting solely of. class files

    Quote Originally Posted by Robin73 View Post
    like PowerShell not accepting paths with spaces etc. But I used CMD
    Just FYI.

    Let's say you want to run C:\Program Files\MyApp\myapp.exe

    To do so in a cmd prompt, enclose the path in quotes, "C:\Program Files\MyApp\myapp.exe"

    If the program wants or accepts switches/parameters, place these after the final quote, "C:\Program Files\MyApp\myapp.exe" /whatever

    PowerShell works the same way. More or less.

    Also, in a cmd prompt (and PowerShell), start typing C:\Progr and press the Tab key, cmd.exe will expand the path for you, and add the quotes.

    You'll get "C:\Program Files"

    You can then use the arrow keys to place the cursor to the right of 's' and the left of '"', start typing the next part of the path, press Tab, etc...

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