Hey.. I'm taking a computer science class in my high school and it's time to work on our "final project"... I've had this idea to create a POS (Point of Sale) System that a company could use whether it be a restaurant or store of some kind. I'm going to want this program to keep inventory of objects, print chits, and place orders (which will be kind of like putting the chit together?)
I guess an order will be a class.. And the PrintChit will outfile a receipt or something..
I guess it an addItem method could add whatever the item is to an ArrayList which would store the order.
My real question is basically how to create the menu system..
I want the outer menu to maybe be a login.. Inside I want the store functions (see below)
If I can't do a login.. I want to have an outer screen which will have n number of buttons with store functions (ie. See Open Orders, create new order, close order, Inventory, Total Sales for Compilation, maybe add user function for login)
I need to create a window with a series of JButtons.. I want to be able to have this window (lets call it a menu) be able to open sub menus (perhaps in the same window?) with an actionListener.. The logic behind it is simple.. I'm not too sure the coding is... Maybe if someone could craft a basic example for me? Or at least give me a place to learn or some instructions.. I would be extremely helpful! Thank you to anyone in advance!