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Thread: appending from shell script to excel sheet

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2010
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    Default appending from shell script to excel sheet

    Dear All,

    I am new to java.
    I have a requirement in a my project as I need to add the data from a shell script to a excel sheet every day in a new row.

    I found this we can do by using java.

    Help me in this regard..

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Forum VIP
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    Default Re: appending from shell script to excel sheet

    I use SmartXLS. It is not free, but the demo is. There is supposed to be a time limit on the demo, but I found that if you download it on one machine, and copy and paste the library over to another machine, the demo never runs out. This works because it bases its time from the downloaded machine, which when you move it, can no longer update the library. The creators dont mind me doing this because they told me that if I dont want to upgrade, just redownload the library when it times out. The documentation is not great. I've been getting support from the creaters via email despite them knowing I dont have a licensed version. They even provided me with an updated demo library with some bugs fixed. And I've made some powerful programs with their demo library, so I can help you out with any issues you have.

    Like I said, the documentation isnt great, but feel free to message me regarding any confusion, I can help with just about any issue you may have.

    To do something simple like inserting data into an Excel Sheet with SmartXLS, this is what you would do:
    import com.smartxls.WorkBook;
    public class ExcelTesting
        public static void main(String[] args)
        	//Create new WorkBook Object
    		WorkBook workBook = new WorkBook();
    		//Set workBook sheet to get edited at the moment
    		//Create Values to get Inserted into WorkBook
    		String wordValue = "Insert Word";
    		double numberValueD = 3.5;
    		int numberValueI = 5;
    		String formulaValue = "A2+A3";
    		//Write wordValue to cell A1
    		//Write numberValueD to cell A2
    		//Write numberValueI to cell A3
    		//Write formulaValue to cell A4
    		//Alternatively, you can use the generic setEntry method to set values. You cannot use this method to set formulas.
    		//Write numberValueD with General Type into cell B1
    		//Create the new Excel file and insert data
    		//Or you can create a 2007 Excel file and insert the data:
        	}catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e); 	}

    Once you learn how to use the Library, it is EXTREMELY simple to use.

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