EDIT: I guess this is irrelevant for you now, but it is still interesting.
If the squares with any edges inside the "path" are included, I found something interesting that I cant quite get into a formula.
Follow me below. When I talk about width and height, I am talking about a large square, where each of the start and end points provided are two corners of the square. So for the one above, the large square would have a width of 4 and a height of 7.
Ok, so:
For every "path" with a slope of 1: when you increase the width by 1, the number of squares increase by 3.
For every "path" with a slope of 2: when you increase the width by 1, the number of squares increase by 5.
For every "path" with a slope of 3: when you increase the width by 1, the number of squares increase by 7.
And so on in that pattern.
There is also something else I found:
For every large square with a width of 2: the number of squares in the path increase by 2 compared to the preceding slope.
For every large square with a width of 3: the number of squares in the path increase by 4 compared to the preceding slope.
For every large square with a width of 4: the number of squares in the path increase by 6 compared to the preceding slope.
For every large square with a width of 5: the number of squares in the path increase by 8 compared to the preceding slope.
And so on in that pattern also.
So, for the above path:
The large square has a width of 4 and a height of 7.
The slope is 2.
So the number of squares is 16.
I'm not sure how to make a formula out of those trends. Any thoughts?
EDIT AGAIN: I may have figured out a formula. It works for all my test cases. All my test cases have positive integer slopes.
Formula: squares = (Width+Length)+(Length-2)
It is odd, but it works...