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Thread: Waiting until condition

  1. #1
    Forum VIP
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    Default Waiting until condition

    I'm attempting at making a small 2d game just because I'm bored.

    I am having an issue however. In the game, when two characters come next to each other, a fight begins. If the fight is with the human character, a JPanel below the map activates that is basically just the fight information and has a button for attacking. When the fight is over, there are a bunch of methods I need to call to clean up the looser and adjust the winner's stats.

    In order for that to work, I need to be able to tell my method that manages the battle to wait until one of the fighters loose. Based on my current setup, I have a method called getLooser() that returns either the player that lost or null which indicates neither has lost yet.

    I was thinking about doing a while(getLoose()==null) loop that does nothing, but it seems there should be a better way of doing this. Can anyone point me the correct direction?

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  2. #2
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Waiting until condition

    Not sure I fully understand the design, but can't you just have the battle class call a method in the manager class when the looser is set to something other than null?

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