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Thread: Text output in GUI

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Text output in GUI

    Hi guys.

    I'm new to this forum, and have been programming java "actively" for a couple months or so now.

    Basically, I'm currently writing a program with a GUI, which will among other things have a text-out put panel. I'm wondering, in general, if you want to output text to a gui (no input required in this case), in what way would you guys prefer to implement it?

    First off I am right now using a JTextPane, but this might change. I've also tried to simply set the text with the setText() method, which works ok for the first line but doesn't appear to update when I use it a second time, and since the class has no redraw() method I'm a little at a loss.

    Personally, I would LIKE to setup some kind of outputstream which is linked to the JTextPane component, but I'm finding it hard to find any good explanations on how to do this. I've got the impression I need to create an outputstream that writes to the Document of the JTextPane. Can anyone explain how I would do this, since this my preferred solution?

    Thanks for your help.

    // Andreas

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Text output in GUI

    Hello aspiring programming,this is a good example of the power of StringBuilder

        public StringBuilder consoleText = new StringBuilder();
        public void println(String s) {
            consoleText.append(s + "\n");

    "console" being the name of your JTextPane.

    I hope you learned from this :p

  3. #3
    Member Darryl.Burke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Text output in GUI

    if you want to output text to a gui (no input required in this case), in what way would you guys prefer to implement it?
    An appropriate subclass of JTextComponent with setEditable(false).

    setText() method, which works ok for the first line but doesn't appear to update when I use it a second time
    Impossible to guess at the reason. To get better help sooner, post a SSCCE (Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable) example that demonstrates the problem.


  4. #4
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    Lightbulb Re: Text output in GUI

    If you need to output the previous messages you can as well try this
    public StringBuilder consoleText = new StringBuilder();
        public void println(String s){
         consoleText.append(s + "\n");
         console.setText(console.getText() + "\n" + consoleText.toString());

  5. #5
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Text output in GUI

    adeloyedeji, welcome to the forums. Please be mindful of post dates, you resurrected a 3 years old post, and not only that you posted virtually identical code already given

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