ok, i have never programmed java ever.
i have programed in basic on the old spectrum 48k, easy amos on the amiga and have started using justbasic.
i was told i would be better to try java as its an easyier language to learn ....so far im thinking i was lied to.
ok the first step i took was to google jave tutorial, and followed a tutorial that had me download java jdk (it wanted me to download 2 but 6 was the only version i saw)
it then wanted me to put the following into a notepad (you know not a java interface or anything that will help highlight syntex like justbasic does)
class myfirstjavaprog { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } }
put it didnt explain what all this did, now i understandis a rather long winded version of basicsSystem.out.println("Hello World")(you see why i say this seems less easy lol)print "Hello World"
the bulk of my program will be randomly generating a roleplaying character and the characters background
an example of my code in justbasic
gosub [colour] gosub [meterial] let exp$ = " it is ";colour$;" and apears to be made of ";meterial$ print exp$ [colour] let colour = int(rnd(1)*17) + 1 if colour = 1 then let colour$ = "red" if colour = 2 then let colour$ = "green" if colour = 3 then let colour$ = "orange" if colour = 4 then let colour$ = "black" if colour = 5 then let colour$ = "white" if colour = 6 then let colour$ = "blue" if colour = 7 then let colour$ = "gold" if colour = 8 then let colour$ = "silver" if colour = 9 then let colour$ = "light blue" if colour = 10 then let colour$ = "blood red" if colour = 11 then let colour$ = "amber" if colour = 12 then let colour$ = "gray" if colour = 13 then let colour$ = "purple" if colour = 14 then let colour$ = "yellow" if colour = 15 then let colour$ = "brown" if colour = 16 then let colour$ = "cream" if colour = 17 then let colour$ = "transparent" return [meterial] let meterial = int(rnd(1)*17) + 1 if meterial = 1 then let meterial$ = "wood" if meterial = 2 then let meterial$ = "steel" if meterial = 3 then let meterial$ = "iron" if meterial = 4 then let meterial$ = "gold" if meterial = 5 then let meterial$ = "silver" if meterial = 6 then let meterial$ = "platnum" if meterial = 7 then let meterial$ = "stone" if meterial = 8 then let meterial$ = "ethreal" if meterial = 9 then let meterial$ = "a wierd metal that is cold to the touch" if meterial = 10 then let meterial$ = "iron" if meterial = 11 then let meterial$ = "wood" if meterial = 12 then let meterial$ = "stone" if meterial = 13 then let meterial$ = "iron" if meterial = 14 then let meterial$ = "glass" if meterial = 15 then let meterial$ = "glass" if meterial = 16 then let meterial$ = "alumenium" if meterial = 17 then let meterial$ = "obsidian" if meterial = 18 then let meterial$ = "diamond" if meterial = 19 then let meterial$ = "diamond" return
is such a thing possible in java ? is it easier or harder?