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Thread: Really need help on assignment

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Really need help on assignment

    I am a high school student and my I have to finish a lab by tomorrow. I would normally try to figure this out for myself however I am also studying for a AP European History exam, a chemistry exam, and working on an analysis for English. Basically I am swamped and completely panicking right now. It would really help if one of the programmers here could give me the code for the problems below.
    public class MiscCollectionOfFunMethodsII {
      	public static String carRentalCode(String licensePlate) {
    	// precondition:	licensePlate is a valid plate as described at
    	//                  [url]http://www.apcomputerscience.com/syllabus/la3_carRental.pdf[/url]
    	// postcondition:	return the car rental code for the licensePlate as described above
               int i = licensePlate.charAt(0)+licensePlate.charAt(1);
               return ""+i;
    	public static double[] magicSquares(int n) {
        // A magic square is a number that is both a perfect square, and the sum of consecutive
        //  integers starting with 1.  For example, 36 is a magic square, since 6 * 6 = 36,
        //  and 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 36 
    	// precondition: 	n is a positive integer 
        // postcondition: 	return a vector whose size is exactly n
        //  and contains, in order, the first n magic squares
        //    The first Magic square is 1
             return new double[2];
        public static int uglyNumberGetter(int n) {
        // precondition: 	n >= 1 (but not too big as to make it impossible to get the nth ugly number 
        //                  I don’t know what that is yet but I won’t let it get that big)
        //                  look here: [url=http://acm.uva.es/problemset/v1/136.html]Ugly Numbers[/url]
        //                  Ugly numbers are numbers whose only prime factors are 2, 3 or 5
        // postcondition:	return the nth ugly number
           return -13121;
        public  static  void  compact  (Object[] vec, Object item) {
        //  precondition:  vec contains objects; vec.length >= 1
        //  postcondition:  all elements x in vec, s.t. x.equals(item) have been “removed”.
        //	all remaining elements are in their same original relative order and are at the 
        //	beginning of vec the remaining locations at the end of the vec should be explicitly 
        //	set to null
          // put code here
        public static int[ ] primeNumberGenerator(int from, int to) {
        // precondition:	from <= to <= 10,000,000
        // postcondition:	a 2-element vector of ints is returned, 
        //	where location 0 contains the number of primes in the given range and 
        //	location 1 contains the last prime generated in the given range
        //  If from && to are prime, they count as primes (inclusive range)
             return new int[2];
    Please someone help I am completely panicking right now
    Last edited by helloworld922; January 7th, 2011 at 12:54 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Really need help on assignment

    Sorry, but no one is going to do this for you. I suggest you make an attempt to complete the assignment and if you have a problem along the way post again with some code and specific questions with any and all errors in their entirety.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: Really need help on assignment

    Hmm.. why does this look oddly familiar? I suggest you start with carRentalCode because it's the simplest (I'd say about 10 minutes once you get where to start...)

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