hey everyone. i'm just after finishing my first semester in college (studying Computer Science) and we got an assignment for our programming module. I was just hoping somebody could help me with it because I'm struggling with it a lot. so all help is welcome . I need hints on what classes to make especially. thank you.
Write a program that reads descriptions of the requirements for the Trinity “Computer
Science”, “Computer Science, Linguistics and a Language”, “Management Science and
Information Systems Studies”, and “Business and Computing” courses and of a small
number of Irish school leavers and reports for which courses each potential student would
have qualified based on their leaving certificate have qualified based on their leaving certificate results Qualification is based on CAO results. Qualification is based on CAO
points and on satisfying any applicable requirements for individual courses.
Your solution must include a class whose instances represent school leavers including the
results of their second-level education. Include whatever attributes are appropriate and
introduce any additional classes required to describe the values of the attributes. Your class
will likely include attributes that are not required by this particular program.
Your solution must also include a class whose instances represent courses, which should
include a method to determine the eligibility of a single student for a course, eg,
public boolean isQualified(Student lcStudent)
Where classes would normally contain a variable number of attributes of the same type (eg,
to record the subjects taken or the schools attended by a student), you may fix the number
of attributes at a value of your own choosing (eg, by assuming that all students take six
© Vinny Cahill 2
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leaving certificate subjects).