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Thread: Need help to understanding with Doubly-linked circular Lists

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Need help to understanding with Doubly-linked circular Lists

    Hello guys!
    I'm now studying about linked lists with singular linear list, double linked list, and circular linked list.
    I want to understand how to combined two type of linked list as the title "Doubly-linked circular Lists" with some explanation, some tips, or even some worked sample etc.
    I would appreciate much any helps from you guys!
    Thank you

  2. #2
    Think of me.... Mr.777's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help to understanding with Doubly-linked circular Lists

    Doubly circular linked list means, a linked list that is circular and two way. Now as you've been already read about double linked list and circular linked list, you got the idea about two and now you can easily use your brain to work with double circular linked list.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Need help to understanding with Doubly-linked circular Lists

    As my understanding, I have to link the tail of the list to the head. In coding way, however, is it something like:
    Node lastNode = firstNode;
    Additionally, what methods (add, replace, clear, remove etc...) should be changed in order to make it to circular type.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Need help to understanding with Doubly-linked circular Lists

    I'm now working on some classes.
    I will post them here by the tomorrow when I have some more works on it.
    Thank you

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