Hey everybody,
This program was assigned in my Data Structures & Algorithms class. The basic idea is to use median filtering to filter out noise in a .pgn file. Unfortunately, I don't understand A LOT of what my professor says and she's given us this really confusing assignment/template. I'm very good with programming in Java (A and A- in my two classes thus far), so this shouldn't be terrible, I just need to know how to begin, what classes can help, etc. Here's the assignment she gave us:
"Your first programming assignment involves application of sorting algorithms to median filtering of an image, which is a technique for smoothing a "noisy" image. The problem and solution are outlined below, you are to fill in the details to have a satisfactory solution. The sorting methods to be implemented include: 1) insertion sort, 2) quicksort, and 3) another sorting algorithm of your choice.
The image to be processed is in pgm (portable gray map) format. The pgm image file requires 4 entries followed by the greyscale values (some files include comments lines starting with the character #). The four entries are: the literal "P2", an integer representing the x dimension, an integer representing the y dimension, and an integer representing the maximum greyscale value. There should be x times y number of grey-level values after these 4 numbers."
If anybody could simply help me get started, it would be greatly appreciated. If not, then thanks for reading!