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Thread: Console box with scanner?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    My Mood
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Question Console box with scanner?

    So I found this really cool code here:

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    public class Console extends JFrame {
        PipedInputStream piOut;
        PipedInputStream piErr;
        PipedOutputStream poOut;
        PipedOutputStream poErr;
        JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea();
        public Console() throws IOException {
            // Set up System.out
            piOut = new PipedInputStream();
            poOut = new PipedOutputStream(piOut);
            System.setOut(new PrintStream(poOut, true));
            // Set up System.err
            piErr = new PipedInputStream();
            poErr = new PipedOutputStream(piErr);
            System.setErr(new PrintStream(poErr, true));
            // Add a scrolling text area
            getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(textArea), BorderLayout.CENTER);
            // Create reader threads
            new ReaderThread(piOut).start();
            new ReaderThread(piErr).start();
        class ReaderThread extends Thread {
            PipedInputStream pi;
            ReaderThread(PipedInputStream pi) {
                this.pi = pi;
            public void run() {
                final byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
                try {
                    while (true) {
                        final int len = pi.read(buf);
                        if (len == -1) {
                        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                textArea.append(new String(buf, 0, len));
                                // Make sure the last line is always visible
                                // Keep the text area down to a certain character size
                                int idealSize = 1000;
                                int maxExcess = 500;
                                int excess = textArea.getDocument().getLength() - idealSize;
                                if (excess >= maxExcess) {
                                    textArea.replaceRange("", 0, excess);
                } catch (IOException e) {

    This code basically makes my program display in a console box from what I can tell. I was wondering if anyone knows how to make it so it has a input like scanner too?
    Maybe its too much to bother you guys for, but I really want to use this and I can't do it myself since I hardly understand what its doing heh..

    But seriously any help would be awesome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    My Mood
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Default Re: Console box with scanner?

    Maybe dialog boxes are my only solution?

    ew dialog boxes are soo ugly. I'm going to have to actually learn how to make a decent gui.
    Last edited by Hallowed; May 26th, 2011 at 01:13 AM.

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