Hi Everybody.
So, I came back here, as promised.
I have solved my problem.
But in solving this problem, that has created even more questions that I would like someone in this Forum to answer please.
First of all the explanation of the solution.
This is an Oversimplification.
But it's a necessary Oversimplification.
So, in my Tic-Tac-Toe Program, there is a While Loop.
Iniside that while loop:
proceedGame is a boolean
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
while(proceedGame) {
Player1 makes its move
Player2 makes its move
Instead of using the Stage primaryStage of the Application.start() method, I've created a second Stage.
I've named this stage boardStage
Stage boardStage = new Stage();
boardStage.setTitle("Tic-tac-toe board");
After the player1 makes its move, I update the ImageViewer using the char[][] board (X or O or E (Empty) ).
I update the GridPane with that ImageViewer.
Instead of using the method boardStage.show() I use the method showAndWait()
Next the player2 makes its move.
But if I place boardStage.showAndWait() in there I get an Exception, because the Stage was already visible before.
So I have to change the method to this;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
while(proceedGame) {
Player1 makes its move
Player2 makes its move
Now the Board is presented correctly during the game, but it does not Show after the game ends.
There are two possible scenarios for the Tic-Tac-Toe game to End.
And these two possible scenarios are also the exits for the program to end.
Scenario 1:
Victory (One Player Wins)
Scenario 2:
No Victory and the Game Ends
There is no Victory.
All the board positions have been filled with an X or an O
In this case the game ends with a Draw
So, in all of these two scenarios, I added
Now after the program ends the Stage of the Board is presented.
So this was the explanation of how I solved this problem.
Thank you,
--- Update ---
Hello, again.
The first part of the explanation was getting quite long.
By solving this problem, that has created even more questions that I would like someone in this Forum to answer please.
Why is it that in the Stage primaryStage, I cannot use primaryStage.showAndWait() ?
When I have the following code, which Stage is the primary Stage and which one is the secondary (because the Stage primaryStage is not being used) ?
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
Stage boardStage = new Stage();
boardStage.setTitle("Tic-tac-toe board");
while(proceedGame) {
Player1 makes its move
Player2 makes its move
In the code above, when the program runs the Stage primaryStage is created with init and start and then the primaryStage creates the secondary stage ?
Thank you,