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package Chapter15.EndofChapter15.Exerc15dot16;
* @author Rogerio Biscaia
(Two movable vertices and their distances)
Write a program that displays
two circles with radius 10 at
location (40, 40) and (120, 150)
with a line connecting the two circles, as shown in Figure.
The distance between the circles
is displayed along the line.
The user can drag a circle.
When that happens, the
circle and its line are moved and
the distance between the circles is updated.
import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;
import javafx.event.Event;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.scene.shape.Line;
import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
public class MoveTwoCircles extends Application {
private Circle circle1;
private Circle circle2;
private Line lineConnect;
private final int CIRCLESRADIUS = 10;
private ObservableList <Node> listNodes;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
int maxX;
int maxY;
double circle1CenterX, circle1CenterY;
double circle2CenterX, circle2CenterY;
maxX = 301;
maxY = 301;
circle1CenterX = 40.0;
circle1CenterY = 40.0;
System.out.println("The circle1 has center X " + circle1CenterX + " and Y " + circle1CenterY);
circle2CenterX = 120.0;
circle2CenterY = 150.0;
System.out.println("The circle2 has center X " + circle2CenterX + " and Y " + circle2CenterY);
Create the two Circles
circle1 = new Circle( circle1CenterX, circle1CenterY, CIRCLESRADIUS );
circle2 = new Circle( circle2CenterX, circle2CenterY, CIRCLESRADIUS );
Create the line connecting the
two circles
lineConnect = getLine(circle1CenterX, circle1CenterY, circle2CenterX, circle2CenterY);
Create the pane
Pane pane = new Pane();
Place the Circles and Line
in the pane
pane.getChildren().addAll( circle1, circle2, lineConnect );
//listNodes = pane.getChildren();
Create the handler
for dragging Circle1
circle1.setOnMouseDragged( event -> {
double getX;
double getY;
getX = event.getX();
getY = event.getY();
System.out.println("Clicked Circle in Pane");
System.out.println( "Button: " + event.getButton() );
System.out.println("Event To String: " + event.toString() );
System.out.println("Event Target: " + event.getTarget() );
System.out.println("Updated the Circle 1 center x to " + getX + " and center y to " + getY);
} ); //end of circle1.setOnMouseDragged( e -> {} );
Create the handler
for dragging Circle2
Create a scene and place it in the Stage
Scene scene = new Scene(pane, maxX + 50, maxY + 50);
primaryStage.setTitle("Display Two Circles And Line");
} //end of the method public void start(Stage primaryStage)
The main method is only needed for the IDE with
limited JavaFX support.
Not needed for running from the
command line
public static void main (String[] args) {
try {
} catch(Exception ex1) {
System.out.println("Exception in the main in the " +
"class MoveTwoCircles");
} //end of main
Create the line connecting the
two circles
public Line getLine( double circle1CenterX, double circle1CenterY, double circle2CenterX, double circle2CenterY ) {
double lowerCircleX, lowerCircleY;
double higherCircleX, higherCircleY;
double angleToXAxis;
double anglePointLowerCircle;
double pointLowerCircleX;
double pointLowerCircleY;
double anglePointHigherCircle;
double pointHigherCircleX;
double pointHigherCircleY;
Rational slope;
Rational slopeMultiplyX;
Rational b;
angleToXAxis = 0.0;
We have to calculate the
linear equation for the line
Enter x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: 2 2 5 -1.0 4.0 2.0 -1.0 -2.0
Slope = (rise) / (run)
Slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
(-1 - 2) / (5 - 2)
(-3) / (3)
y = mx + b
m = Slope
2 = (-1) * 2 + b
b = 4
y = (-1) * x + 4
//slope = (randomStartY - randomEndY) / ( randomStartX - randomEndX );
try {
slope = new Rational();
b = new Rational();
Rational slopeNumerator = Rational.getFraction(circle1CenterY - circle2CenterY);
//System.out.println("After creating the Rational for slopeNumerator");
Rational slopeDenominator = Rational.getFraction( circle1CenterX - circle2CenterX );
//System.out.println("After creating the Rational for slopeDenominator");
Rational lineStartX = Rational.getFraction(circle1CenterX);
Rational lineStartY = Rational.getFraction(circle1CenterY);
slope = slopeNumerator.divide(slopeDenominator);
slopeMultiplyX = slope.multiply(lineStartX);
b = lineStartY.subtract(slopeMultiplyX);
System.out.println("The Linear Equation for this line is y = " + slope + " * x + " + b);
angleToXAxis = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan( slope.doubleValue() ) );
} catch(Exception ex1) {
System.out.println("Exception when trying to create a Rational Object " +
" in the class MoveTwoCircles");
Now that we have the linear equation for the
If one of the lines of the
angle between two lines is y= mx + b and
the other line is the x-axis, then
θ= Tan m elevated to -1.
System.out.println("The angle between the line between two circles and the X Axis is " + angleToXAxis);
Define the Lower Circle
that has the Higher Y
if(circle1CenterY > circle2CenterY) {
lowerCircleX = circle1CenterX;
lowerCircleY = circle1CenterY;
higherCircleX = circle2CenterX;
higherCircleY = circle2CenterY;
} else {
lowerCircleX = circle2CenterX;
lowerCircleY = circle2CenterY;
higherCircleX = circle1CenterX;
higherCircleY = circle1CenterY;
Get the Starting points for the
line on the lower circle and
higher circle
anglePointLowerCircle = 0;
anglePointHigherCircle = 0;
if(angleToXAxis < 0) {
anglePointLowerCircle = 90 - Math.abs(angleToXAxis);
anglePointHigherCircle = 270 - Math.abs(angleToXAxis);
} else {
anglePointLowerCircle = 0 - (90 - angleToXAxis);
anglePointHigherCircle = 180 - (90 - angleToXAxis);
pointLowerCircleX = lowerCircleX + (CIRCLESRADIUS * Math.sin( Math.toRadians( anglePointLowerCircle ) ) );
pointLowerCircleY = lowerCircleY - (CIRCLESRADIUS * Math.cos( Math.toRadians( anglePointLowerCircle ) ) );
pointHigherCircleX = higherCircleX + (CIRCLESRADIUS * Math.sin( Math.toRadians( anglePointHigherCircle ) ) );
pointHigherCircleY = higherCircleY - (CIRCLESRADIUS * Math.cos( Math.toRadians( anglePointHigherCircle ) ) );
Create the
line Connecting the Two circles
but not
entering inside the circles
lineConnect = new Line(pointLowerCircleX, pointLowerCircleY, pointHigherCircleX, pointHigherCircleY);
return lineConnect;
} //end of the method public Line getLine( double circle1CenterX, double circle1CenterY, double circle2CenterX, double circle2CenterY )
} //end of hte class MoveTwoCircles