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Thread: How can I Update the Width and Height of a Pane(or Scene) automatically ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2024
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Default How can I Update the Width and Height of a Pane(or Scene) automatically ?

    Hello everybody.

    I've been working on a program to solve the following exercise:

    (Geometry: find the bounding rectangle)

    Write a program that enables the user
    to add and remove points in a
    two-dimensional plane dynamically, as shown
    in Figure.

    A minimum bounding rectangle is updated as the
    points are added and removed.

    Assume that the radius of each point is 10 pixels.

    I've created a Java JavaFX program that solves this problem.

    That program is working well.

    There is a Pane to present the points (circles).

    That Pane is placed inside a BorderPane, at the center.

    But I would like to make the extra mile, even though the exercise does not require me to do it.

    I would like to improve this program, so that when a Circle is added, the Width and the Height of the Pane are increased.

    I was thinking of making the Width:

    Width = maxX + 40;

    and the Height:

    Height = maxY + 40;

    That would mean that I could always add a new Circle at the Right (Below) the circle most to the Right (Most Lower).

    This is the code of my program:

     * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
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     * and open the template in the editor.
    package Chapter15.EndofChapter15.Exerc15dot17;
     * @author Rogerio Biscaia
    (Geometry: find the bounding rectangle)
    Write a program that enables the user
    to add and remove points in a
    two-dimensional plane dynamically, as shown
    in Figure.
    A minimum bounding rectangle is updated as the
    points are added and removed.
    Assume that the radius of each point is 10 pixels.
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
    import javafx.event.Event;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.geometry.Pos;
    import javafx.scene.control.Label;
    import javafx.scene.Node;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
    import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Line;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class GetBoundingRectangle extends Application {
        private ArrayList <Circle> allCircles = new ArrayList<>();
        private Circle newCircle;
        private ArrayList <Line> boundRectangleLines;
        private ObservableList <Node> listNodes;
        Create the pane for the points
        private Pane pointsPane = new Pane();
        public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
            double initialSceneW;
            double initialSceneH;
            initialSceneW = 400;
            initialSceneH = 320;
            Create the Border pane
            BorderPane mainPane = new BorderPane();
            Create the label with instructions
            Label lblInstructions = new Label("INSTRUCTIONS\n" + "Add: Left Click\n" + "Remove: Right Click");
            Create the handler
            pointsPane.setOnMouseClicked( e -> {
                int i;
                int indexClickedNode;
                double getX;
                double getY;
                double newCircleX;
                double newCircleY;
                double incrementXY;
                double circleRadius;
                Variables to update the
                Width and Height of the
                double incrementWH;
                incrementWH = 40;
                double newPointsPaneW;
                double newPointsPaneH;
                boolean nodeIsCircle;
                boolean pointsPaneUpdated;
                pointsPaneUpdated = false;
                indexClickedNode = -1;
                getX = e.getX();
                getY = e.getY();
                incrementXY = 5;
                circleRadius = 10;
                String nodeName;
                String circle;
                circle = "Circle";
                double currentNodeListCircleX;
                currentNodeListCircleX = 0;
                double currentNodeListCircleY;
                currentNodeListCircleY = 0;
                Node currentNodeList;
                Circle currentNodeListCircle;
                double[][] minMax;
                //listNodes = pane.getChildren();
                Display all the nodes
                System.out.println("Displaying all the Nodes:" );
                for(i = 0; i < listNodes.size(); i++) {
                    System.out.println( listNodes.get(i) );
                System.out.println( "Button: " + e.getButton() );
                System.out.println("Event To String: " + e.toString() );
                nodeName = e.getTarget() + "";
                System.out.println( "Event Target: " + e.getTarget() );
                nodeIsCircle = nodeName.matches(circle + ".*");
                System.out.println( "The Clicked Node is a Circle: " + nodeIsCircle );
                if(  e.getButton() == MouseButton.PRIMARY )  {
                    if(nodeIsCircle == false) {
                        if( getX <= circleRadius  + incrementXY ) {
                            newCircleX = circleRadius + incrementXY;
                        } else {
                            newCircleX = getX;
                        } //end of if else if( getX <= circleRadius )
                        if( getY <= circleRadius + incrementXY ) {
                            newCircleY = circleRadius + incrementXY;
                        } else {
                            newCircleY = getY;
                        } //end of if else if( getY <= circleRadius )
                        newCircle = new Circle( newCircleX, newCircleY,  circleRadius);
                        newCircle.setFill( Color.WHITE );
                        newCircle.setStroke( Color.BLACK );
                        //listNodes.add( newCircle );
                        pointsPaneUpdated = true;
                        System.out.println( "Added New Circle x: " + getX + " y: " + getY + " and radius: " + circleRadius );
                    } //end of if(nodeIsCircle == false)
                } else if( e.getButton() == MouseButton.SECONDARY ) {
                    if(nodeIsCircle) {
                        for(i = 0; i < listNodes.size(); i++) {
                            currentNodeList = listNodes.get(i);
                            if( currentNodeList instanceof Circle ) {
                                currentNodeListCircle = (Circle) currentNodeList;
                                if(  currentNodeListCircle.contains(getX, getY) ) {
                                    indexClickedNode = i;
                            } //end of if( currentNodeList instanceof Circle )
                        } //end of for loop for(j = 0; j < listNodes.size(); j++)
                        System.out.println( "The index for the clicked Circle is " + indexClickedNode );
                        if(indexClickedNode >= 0) {
                            System.out.println("Removing the circle " + nodeName );
                            //listNodes.remove( indexClickedNode );
                            allCircles.remove( indexClickedNode );
                            pointsPaneUpdated = true;
                        } //end of if(indexClickedNode >= 0)
                    } //end of if(nodeIsCircle)
                } //end of if else if if(  e.getButton() == MouseButton.PRIMARY )
                if(allCircles.size() > 0 && pointsPaneUpdated ) {
                    minMax = getMinAndMaxXY(allCircles);
                    Remove all the nodes
                    Add all the Circles
                    for(i = 0; i < allCircles.size(); i++) {
                        listNodes.add( allCircles.get(i) );
                    Add all the
                    lines in the Array List
                    of Lines
                    boundRectangleLines = getBoundingLines(minMax);
                    for(i = 0; i < boundRectangleLines.size(); i++) {
                        listNodes.add( boundRectangleLines.get(i) );
                    newPointsPaneW = minMax[1][0] + incrementWH;
                    newPointsPaneH = minMax[1][1] + incrementWH;
                    //pointsPane.setMinSize(newPointsPaneW, newPointsPaneH);
                    mainPane.setMinSize(newPointsPaneW, newPointsPaneH);
                } else if( allCircles.size() == 0 && pointsPaneUpdated ) {
                } //end of if else if(allCircles.size() > 0 ) 
            } ); //end of pane.setOnMouseClicked( e -> {} );
            listNodes = pointsPane.getChildren();
            BorderPane.setAlignment( lblInstructions , Pos.TOP_CENTER);
            Create a scene and
            place it in the stage
            Scene scene = new Scene(mainPane, initialSceneW, initialSceneH);
            primaryStage.setTitle("Display Points in Pane");
        } //end of the method public void start(Stage primaryStage)
        The main method is only needed for the IDE with
        limited JavaFX support.
        Not needed for running from the
        command line
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            try {
            } catch(Exception ex1) {
                System.out.println("Exception in the main in the " +
                        "class GetBoundingRectangle");
                System.out.println( ex1.toString() );
        } //end of main
        Method to get the
        MinX and MaxX
        MinY and MaxY
        from an
        Array List of circles
        public double[][] getMinAndMaxXY(ArrayList <Circle> circles) {
            int i;
            double circleRadius;
            double currentX;
            double currentY;
            double minX, maxX;
            double minY, maxY;
            ArrayList<Double> allX;
            ArrayList<Double> allY;
            allX = new ArrayList<>();
            allY = new ArrayList<>();
            double[][] minMax;
            minMax = new double[2][2];
            if( circles.size() > 0) {
                circleRadius = circles.get(0).getRadius();
                for(i = 0; i < circles.size(); i++) {
                    currentX = circles.get(i).getCenterX();
                    currentY = circles.get(i).getCenterY();
                minX = java.util.Collections.min(allX);
                minY = java.util.Collections.min(allY);
                maxX = java.util.Collections.max(allX);
                maxY = java.util.Collections.max(allY);
                minMax[0][0] = minX - circleRadius;
                minMax[0][1] = minY - circleRadius;
                minMax[1][0] = maxX + circleRadius;
                minMax[1][1] = maxY + circleRadius;
            } //end of if( circles.size() >= 0)
            return minMax;
        } //end of the method public double [][] getMinAndMaxXY(ArrayList <Circle> circles)
        Method to get tha
        4 Lines that define the
        bounding rectangle
        public ArrayList<Line> getBoundingLines( double[][] minMaxXY ) {
            int i;
            double minX, maxX;
            double minY, maxY;
            double incrementXY;
            Line newLine;
            incrementXY = 2;
            ArrayList<Line> allBoundRectangleLines = new ArrayList<>();
            if( minMaxXY.length == 2 ) {
                minX = minMaxXY[0][0] - incrementXY;
                minY = minMaxXY[0][1] - incrementXY;
                maxX = minMaxXY[1][0] + incrementXY;
                maxY = minMaxXY[1][1] + incrementXY;
                Line 1 - Between (minX, minY) and (maxX, minY)
                newLine = new Line(minX, minY, maxX, minY);
                Line 2 - Between (maxX, minY) and (maxX, maxY)
                newLine = new Line(maxX, minY, maxX, maxY);
                Line 3 - Between (minX, maxY) and (maxX, maxY)
                newLine = new Line(minX, maxY, maxX, maxY);
                Line 4 - Between (minX, minY) and (minX, maxY)
                newLine = new Line(minX, minY, minX, maxY);
            } //end of if(allCircles.size() > 0 )
            for(i = 0; i < allBoundRectangleLines.size(); i++ ) {
                allBoundRectangleLines.get(i).setStroke( Color.BLACK );
                allBoundRectangleLines.get(i).setStrokeWidth( 2 );
            return allBoundRectangleLines;
        } //end of the method public ArrayList<Line> getBoundingLines( double[][] minMaxXY )
    } //end of the class GetBoundingRectangle

    Thank you,


  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: How can I Update the Width and Height of a Pane(or Scene) automatically ?

    What have you tried?

    What makes so many empty lines in the code? All the extra lines makes the code harder to read and understand.
    Can you remove extra lines before posting?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: How can I Update the Width and Height of a Pane(or Scene) automatically ?

    Hello Norm.

    I'm going to describe what I' ve tried.

    I've made the Stage resizable.


    And inside the if that updates the Obsevable list of the pointsPane, I've tried to use the setMinSize method for the pointsPane and also for the mainPane (Border Pane);

    if(allCircles.size() > 0 && pointsPaneUpdated ) {

    //pointsPane.setMinSize(newPointsPaneW, newPointsPaneH);

    mainPane.setMinSize(newPointsPaneW, newPointsPaneH);


    As for the empty lines, I use a lot of empty lines in my programs.

    I place an empty line between each variable.

    And I also place empty lines between different "SubSections" of the code inside a certain method.

    But I also use lots of comments to help understand the code.

    For example:

    Create the handler

    pointsPane.setOnMouseClicked( e -> {
    } ); //end of pane.setOnMouseClicked( e -> {} );

    if(allCircles.size() > 0 && pointsPaneUpdated ) {
    } //end of if else if(allCircles.size() > 0 )

    Do you want me to remove all the empty lines in the programs I create ?

    Thank you,


  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: How can I Update the Width and Height of a Pane(or Scene) automatically ?

    Don't remove all of the blank lines. Some blank line are good. Too many make it hard to read. If a group of variables are used for specific purpose they can be listed together without intervening blank lines. For example the variable for the x and y locations of objects. Same with assignment statements that are setting up a container.

    Another item: the declaration of a variable and an assignment of a value can be done in a single statement:
    double someVariable = 123.4; // declare and assign in one statement.

    Another item: variables that are constants should be declared final and their names should start with a capital letter.

    Re your question:
    Look at the top level JavaFX container - the Stage. Look at the API doc for Stage to see how to change its size and location.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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