I'm learning to use beans in JSP and from what I've gathered all I'm required to do is to create a class with appropriate constructor and getter-setter functions and specify it's name as value of the attribute "class" in the jsp:useBean action tag. But this is not working. I'm getting "cannot find symbol" errors while compiling.
The .class file is in WEB-INF/classes./media/d/Portal/JAVA/WebKand/build/generated/src/org/apache/jsp/trial_jsp.java:124: cannot find symbol symbol : class trialbean location: class org.apache.jsp.trial_jsp trialbean bn = null; /media/d/Portal/JAVA/WebKand/build/generated/src/org/apache/jsp/trial_jsp.java:126: cannot find symbol symbol : class trialbean location: class org.apache.jsp.trial_jsp bn = (trialbean) _jspx_page_context.getAttribute("bn", PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE); /media/d/Portal/JAVA/WebKand/build/generated/src/org/apache/jsp/trial_jsp.java:129: cannot find symbol symbol : class trialbean location: class org.apache.jsp.trial_jsp bn = (trialbean) java.beans.Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "trialbean");
Am I supposed to do something to enable the beans?