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Thread: i need coding for simple login

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default i need coding for simple login

    we need coing for simple login with all the rules given below,
    1. Jsp -> Only presentation logic
    2. Servlets -> Business logic
    3. jdbc queries -> Properties files
    4. use variables as meaningful names.
    5. html field names and servlet fields must be same.
    6. Maintain a separate properties file for every module to store jdbc queries
    7. Use only prepareStatement(). This line of code should get executed only one time through out the life time of application. So that use static bloxk n write this code. In methods simply write either executeQuery() or executeUpdate() according to requirements after setting all the input values.
    8. Write persistence logics (database related logics) only in DAO [Data Access Object] class
    9. Exception handling is madatory for every java method
    10. Use log4j instead of System.out.println() messages

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: i need coding for simple login

    this coding is very important for me

  3. #3
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: i need coding for simple login

    We are not a code service, in other words do not expect anyone to do this for you, regardless of how important it is to you (your post is no more important than anyone else's here). Asking a question that makes it easy to answer is much more productive than posting what looks like a homework assignment in such a manner that looks like you expect someone else to do the work for you.

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